cap是什么意思 cap在线中文翻译



n. 盖子, 帽子
vt. 戴帽子, 覆盖, 胜过
vi. 脱帽致意
【计】 调用程序分析, 容量, 代码分析程序, 计算机辅助生产, 计算机辅助印刷
【化】 帽; 管帽; 罩; 盖
【医】 盖, 帽, 髓盖
to cap it all
fuddle one's cap
put on one's thinking cap
set one's cap at
cap in hand


动词过去式:capped 过去分词:capped 现在分词:capping 第三人称单数:caps 


cap, hat
cap: 指无边的便帽,表示职业的帽子,如运动帽、军帽等。
hat: 指有边的帽子,尤指礼帽。


名词 cap:

  1. a tight-fitting headdress
  2. a top (as for a bottle)
  3. a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive; can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive同义词:detonator, detonating device
  4. something serving as a cover or protection
  5. a fruiting structure resembling an umbrella that forms the top of a stalked fleshy fungus such as a mushroom同义词:pileus
  6. an upper limit on what is allowed同义词:ceiling
  7. dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a tooth同义词:crownwork
  8. the upper part of a column that supports the entablature同义词:capital, chapiter

动词 cap:

  1. lie at the top of同义词:crest
  2. restrict the number or amount of


  1. Winning the gold medal was yet another feather in her cap.夺得金牌是她又一值得骄傲的成就。
  2. He took off his cap.他摘掉帽子。
  3. Last week he crashed his car, then he lost his job and now to cap it all his wife has left him!上星期他把汽车撞坏了,接著又失去了工作,更倒霉的是妻子也离他而去了!
  4. He capped my story by telling a better one.他把我讲的故事加以改进,讲出一个更好的故事。
  5. Who is the boy in the official school cap?那个戴校帽的男孩是谁?


n.(名词)A usually soft and close-fitting head covering, either having no brim or with a visor.便帽:一种通常是柔软的和紧缩的头部遮盖物,无帽檐或有帽舌
A special head covering worn to indicate rank, occupation, or membership in a particular group:帽子:一种特殊的头部遮盖物,戴上以显示级别、职业或一特殊团体的会员资格:例句:a cardinal`s cap; a sailor`s cap.红衣主教帽;水手帽
An academic mortarboard. Used especially in the phrasecap and gown. 学位帽:一种表示学位的帽子。尤用在cop and gown 这一短语中
A protective cover or seal, especially one that closes off an end or a tip:帽状物,盖子:保护性的遮盖或密封物,尤其是关闭一头或一端的这类物品:例句:a bottle cap; a 35-millimeter lens cap.瓶塞;35毫米的透视镜盖
A crown for covering or sealing a tooth.齿冠:遮盖或密封牙齿的冠状物A tread for a worn pneumatic tire.修过的轮胎底:加在已磨损的充气轮胎上的一层新橡胶A fitted covering used to seal a well or large pipe.封闭盖:用以封闭井或大管子的盖子A summit or top, as of a mountain.巅峰,最高处:巅峰或最高处,如山的顶部An upper limit; a ceiling:上限:上面的限定;上限:例句:placed a cap on mortgage rates.给抵押利率定一个上限
Architecture The capital of a column.【建筑学】 柱头Botany 【植物学】 The top part, or pileus, of a mushroom.菌盖:蘑菇的上部或菌盖A calyptra.藓帽;根冠
A percussion cap.雷管A small explosive charge enclosed in paper for use in a toy gun.纸弹药:用纸装的一小团爆炸物,用于玩具枪中Any of several sizes of writing paper, such as foolscap.稿纸:几种稿纸尺寸的任一种,如大页书写纸及物动词)capped,,caps To cover, protect, or seal with a cap.加帽于:用帽或塞来遮盖、保护或密封To award a special cap to as a sign of rank or achievement:授帽:授予…一顶特殊的帽子作为其级别或成就的标志:例句:capped the new women nurses at graduation.在毕业时给新一批女护士颂发护士帽
To lie over or on top of; cover:遮蔽:置于…上面或顶上;遮蔽:例句:hills capped with snow.顶上盖着雪的小山
To apply the finishing touch to; complete:完成:给…画上最后的点睛之笔;完成:例句:cap a meal with dessert.在一餐饭的结尾端上甜点
To follow with something better; surpass or outdo:做得更好:用更好的事物来接续;超过或胜过:例句:capped his last trick with a disappearing act that brought the audience to its feet.最后的压轴好戏是使自己消失不见,这使得观众为之倾倒
To set an upper limit on:给…定一个上限:例句:decided to cap cost-of-living increases.决定给生活费用的上涨制定一个上限
<习惯用语>cap in hand
Respectfully or humbly; unpretentiously.尊敬地或卑躬地;谦逊地set (one`s) cap for
To attempt to attract and win as a mate.女追男,挑逗男子:竭力吸引或赢得…使成为配偶习惯用语>来源:Middle English cappe 中古英语 cappe from Old English côppe 源自 古英语 côppe from Late Latin cappa 源自 后期拉丁语 cappa

cap 2
n.(名词)A capital letter.大写字母及物动词)capped,,caps To capitalize.大写
来源:Shortened form of capital capital的简写形式