captain是什么意思 captain在线中文翻译



n. 船长, 指挥官, 海军上校, 首领
vt. 率领, 指挥
【法】 长, 首领, 船长


动词过去式:captained 过去分词:captained 现在分词:captaining 第三人称单数:captains 名词:captaincy 


名词 captain:

  1. an officer holding a rank below a major but above a lieutenant
  2. the naval officer in command of a military ship同义词:skipper
  3. a policeman in charge of a precinct同义词:police captain, police chief
  4. an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship同义词:master, sea captain, skipper
  5. the leader of a group of people同义词:chieftain
  6. the pilot in charge of an airship同义词:senior pilot
  7. a dining-room attendant who is in charge of the waiters and the seating of customers同义词:headwaiter, maitre d'hotel, maitre d'

动词 captain:

  1. be the captain of a sports team


  1. The captain of the sinking ship used flares to attract the attention of the coastguard.轮船正在下沉,船长向海岸巡逻队发出闪光信号求救。
  2. The sailors are asked to take their positions by their captain.船长要求水手们各就各位。
  3. The captain is absolved from all blame and responsibility for the shipwreck.那位船长被免除了因船只失事而遭致的非难和罪责。
  4. The captain described the accident in the ship's log.船长在航海日志中描述了这次事故。
  5. The man who captained the home team is my brother.率领主队的是我的兄弟。
  6. A captain commands a company or battery.一个上尉指挥一个连队或炮兵连。


n.(名词)Abbr. Capt.One who commands, leads, or guides others, especially:缩写 Capt.领袖:统帅、领导或引导他人的人,尤指:The officer in command of a ship, aircraft, or spacecraft.船长,机长:指挥舰船、飞机或航天机的官员A precinct commander in a police or fire department, usually ranking above a lieutenant and below a chief.警察局副巡官;消防队中队长:警察局消防队的辖区指挥官,通常级别高于中尉,低于警长(或队长)The designated leader of a team or crew in sports.领队:体育运动被指定的领导Abbr. Capt.,Cpt.,CPT缩写 Capt.,Cpt.,CPTA commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above first lieutenant and below major.上尉:美军陆军、空军、或海军陆战队的经过委任授予的军衔,位居中尉之上少校之下A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above commander and below rear admiral.上校:美军海军或海岸警备队的经过委任授予的军衔,位居海军中校之上海军少将之下One who holds the rank of captain.上尉,上校:拥有上尉或上校军衔的人A figure in the forefront; a leader:头子:处于最重要的位置的人物;领导:例句:a captain of industry.实业巨头
One who supervises or directs the work of others, especially:负责人:监督或支配他人的工作的人,尤指:A district official for a political party.地方领导人:政党的地方官员A restaurant employee who is in charge of the waiters and usually attends to table seating.侍者领班:餐馆的雇员,掌管所有的侍者,通常侍候客人入座A bell captain.领班及物动词)cap.tained,,cap.tains To act as captain of; command or direct:当首领;统帅或指挥:例句:captained the football team.当足球队队长
来源:Middle English capitain 中古英语 capitain from Old French 源自 古法语 from Late Latin capit3neus [chief] 源自 后期拉丁语 capit3neus [头领] from Latin caput capit- [head] * see kaput- 源自 拉丁语 caput capit- [头] *参见 kaput-