croissant是什么意思 croissant在线中文翻译



n. 羊角面包


名词 croissant:

  1. very rich flaky crescent-shaped roll同义词:crescent roll


n.(名词)A rich, crescent-shaped roll of leavened dough or puff pastry.羊角面包:一种营养丰富的新月形发酵面包卷或薄饼
来源:French 法语 from Old French creissant, croissant [crescent] * see crescent 源自 古法语 creissant, croissant [新月] *参见 crescent
<注释>The wordscroissant and crescent illustrate double borrowings, each coming into English from a different form of the same French word.In Latin the wordcrôscere, .to grow,. when applied to the moon meant .to wax.; one could have the phrasena crôscôns, .waxing moon.. Old Frenchcroissant, the equivalent of Latin crôscôns, came to mean .the time during which the moon waxes,. .the crescent-shaped figure of the moon in its first and last quarters,. and .a crescent-shaped object.. In Middle English, which adoptedcroissant in its Anglo-Norman form cressaunt, the first instance of our English word, recorded in a document dated 399-400, meant .a crescent-shaped ornament..Crescent, the Modern English descendant of Middle English cressaunt, owes its second c to Latin crôscere. Croissant is not an English development but instead a borrowing of the Modern French descendant of Old Frenchcroissant. It is first recorded in English in 899.Frenchcroissant was used to translate German Hôrnchen, the name given by the Viennese to this pastry, which was first baked in '89 to commemorate the raising of the siege of Vienna by the Turks, whose symbol was the crescent.单词croissantcrescent 这两个词是双重借用的一个例子, 每一个词都是由同一法语单词的不同词形演变为英语的。在拉丁语中,crescere (意为.生长.)一词用于指月亮时的意为.月亮渐圆.; 可以用luna crescens 即.渐圆的月亮.这一词组。 拉丁语crescens 在古法语中的对等词 cressaunt 最后变成.月亮逐渐变圆的时期.、.在上弦时和下弦时的月亮的新月形形状.以及.新月形物体.的意思。 在中世纪英语中,它沿袭了英国法语cressaunt 这一词形所采用的 croissant , 这是记录在可溯至399-400年的一个文件上的我们使用这一英语单词的第一个实例,意为.一个新月形饰物.。现代英语crescent 这一中世纪英语 cressaunt 的派生词的第二个 c 则源于拉丁语 crescere。 Croissant并不是英语演变的结果, 而是一个派生于古法语croissant 的现代法语的借用词。 它最先于899年记录在英语中。法语croissant 曾用来解释德语 Hornchen 意为由维也纳人取名的糕点, 它最早是在'89年为了纪念解除土耳其人对维也纳的围攻而焙制的,其标志是新月注释>