calculate是什么意思 calculate在线中文翻译



vt. 计算, 预测, 计划, 打算
vi. 计算, 预测, 计划, 打算
【经】 计算, 核算


动词过去式:calculated 过去分词:calculated 现在分词:calculating 第三人称单数:calculates 


calculate, count, compute, reckon
calculate: 通常指要求细致精确和复杂的计算,以解决疑难问题,多用于自然科学、生产部门或要求专门计算的场合。
count: 指逐一计算而得出总数。
compute: 一般指已有数据的,较简单但数字长的数学运算。
reckon: 通常指较简单的数学计算,也可指心算。


动词 calculate:

  1. make a mathematical calculation or computation同义词:cipher, cypher, compute, work out, reckon, figure
  2. judge to be probable同义词:estimate, reckon, count on, figure, forecast
  3. keep an account of同义词:account
  4. predict in advance同义词:forecast
  5. specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public同义词:aim, direct
  6. have faith or confidence in同义词:count, bet, depend, look, reckon


  1. The computer has been programmed (to calculate the gross profit margin on all sales).计算机已输入了程序指令(以计算各项销售的毛利率).
  2. The scientists calculated when the spacecraft would reach the moon.科学家推算出宇宙飞船抵达月球的时间。
  3. The government has to calculate the likely effects on revenues of a big drop in the oil price.政府必须估算出油价大幅度下降对财政收入可能产生的影响。
  4. The new regulations are deliberately calculated to make cheating impossible.新的法规旨在杜绝诈骗行为。

v.(动词),,及物动词)To ascertain by computation; reckon:计算:通过计算来确认;计算:例句:calculating the area of a circle; calculated their probable time of arrival.计算圆的面积;计算他们可能的抵达时间
To make an estimate of; evaluate:估计:做出估计;估价:例句:calculating the team`s chances of winning.估计该队获胜的可能
To make for a deliberate purpose; design:考虑,设想:为特定目的安排;设计:例句:a sturdy car that is calculated to last for years; a choice that was calculated to please.设计能耐用多年的牢固汽车;一项为取悦而设计的选择
Also cal`late [k2l.3t., -l3t.] Chiefly New England Chiefly Upper Southern U.S. 也作 cal`late [k2l.3t., -l3t.] 【多用于新英格兰】 【多用于美国中南部】 To suppose:推测:例句:.I cal`late she`s a right smart cook.(Dialect Notes).我猜测她是一位手艺精巧的厨师.(方言注释)
To plan, intend, or count on.计划、打算或计数v.intr.(不及物动词)To perform a mathematical process; figure:计算:一种数学过程;计算:例句:We must measure and calculate to determine how much paint will be needed.我们必需衡量并计算以决定需要多少颜料
To predict consequences.预测结果Regional 【区域的】 To suppose; guess.推测;猜想To count, depend, or rely on someone or something:依赖,依靠:依赖、依靠或依赖于某人或某物:例句:We`re calculating on your help.我们依靠你的帮助
来源:Late Latin calcul3re calcul3t- 后期拉丁语 calcul3re calcul3t- from Latin calculus [small stone used in reckoning] 源自 拉丁语 calculus [用于计数的小石子] diminutive of calx calc- [small stone for gaming] * see calx calx的小后缀 calc- [游戏中使用的小石子] *参见 calx
<参考词汇><同义词>calculate,compute,reckon,cipher,figure同义词>These verbs refer to the determination of a result, such as expense, through the use of mathematical methods.这些动词表示通过使用数学方法对结果的确定,如花费。 Calculate, the most comprehensive,often implies a relatively high level of abstraction or procedural complexity: Calculate 是最广泛的,常隐含一种相对来说水平较高的抽象化或过程的复杂性: 例句:astronomers calculating the positions of the planets.天文学家计算行星的位置。
Compute applies in general to essentially straightforward though possibly lengthy arithmetic operations: Compute 一般用于做那些在数学操作上可能冗长的但基本上是顺序向前进行的事务: 例句:computing fees according to time spent.Reckon, cipher, and figure suggest the use of simple arithmetic: 按时间顺序算出已支出的费用。Reckon, cipher和 figure 表示简单算术的使用:
例句:reckoned the number of hours before her departure;算一下在她出发前还有几个小时;
例句:had to be taught to read and to cipher;必须教会阅读和计数;
例句:trying to figure my share of the bill. 试图算出我的份额