cot是什么意思 cot在线中文翻译



n. 行军床, 小屋, (家畜等的)棚, (家畜等的)栏
【医】 指套; 小床


名词 cot:

  1. a sheath worn to protect a finger同义词:fingerstall
  2. baby bed with high sides made of slats同义词:crib
  3. a small bed that folds up for storage or transport同义词:camp bed


  1. If the baby grew restless, the nurse would take him out of his cot and sing him to sleep.如果婴儿烦躁不安,护士把他从摇床里抱出来,哼着催眠曲让他人睡。
  2. A hanging, easily swung cot or lounge of canvas or heavy netting suspended between two trees or other supports.吊床一种易摆动的吊床或躺椅,用帆布或厚网挂在两树或别的支撑物之间


n.(名词)A narrow bed, especially one made of canvas on a collapsible frame.小床:一种窄的床,尤指用帆布在具伸缩性框架上制成的Chiefly British A crib.【多用于英国】 摇篮
来源:Hindi kh3ú 印地语 kh3ú from Sanskrit khaúv3 源自 梵文 khaúv3 from Tamil kaúúu [to bind, tie] 源自 泰米尔语 kaúúu [栓住,系住]
<注释>People might assume that there is nothing particularly exotic about the history of the wordcot. However,cot happens to be a good example of how words are borrowed from other cultures, becoming so firmly naturalized over time that they lose their émigré flavor. The British first encountered the object denoted bycot, a light frame strung with tapes or rope, in India, where their trading stations had been established as early as '2.The wordcot, first recorded in English in '34, comes fromkh3ú, the Hindi name for the contrivance. During subsequent years,cot has been used to denote other types of beds, including in British usage a crib.人们也许会认为cot 这个词的词源毫无特别的异国情调, 但是cot 恰巧是这样一个好的例子——从别的文化中借来又变得如此根深蒂固,以致于随着时间推移其丢失了外来语的味道。 英国人首先遇到这种叫做cot 的穿有带子和绳子的框架是在印度, 他们早在'2年就在那里建了贸易站。单词cot 在英语中首先记录于'34年, 由印度语中表示这个东西的词khat 而来。 在以后的岁月中,cot 已被用来指其他类型的床, 包括英国表示摇篮的用法注释>
cot 2
n.(名词)A small house.棚:小房子A protective covering or sheath.鞘:一种保护性的覆盖物或套
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English 源自 古英语