a. 偶然的, 不经意的, 便装的
n. 临时工, 待命士兵
【医】 意外的, 偶然的, 急救入院者
【经】 偶然的, 碰巧的, 临时的
名词:casualness 副词:casually
irregular, casual, informal这些形容词均有“非正式的、非正规的”之意。
irregular: 指不按常规、固定模式或计划做事;或指不隶属于任何机构或组织。
casual: 指不太注意场合,仪表等,随意性强。
informal: 指语言、穿着等随便,也指不举行任何形式或仪式的活动。random, casual这两个形容词均含“随便的,任意的”之意。
random: 指无明确的方向或目的、方法与系统,暗示没有指挥或控制。
casual: 指非正式的,轻松随便的,强调随和性。
形容词 casual:
- marked by blithe unconcern同义词:insouciant, nonchalant
- without or seeming to be without plan or method; offhand
- suited for everyday use同义词:everyday
- occurring or appearing or singled out by chance同义词:accidental, chance
- hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough同义词:cursory, passing, perfunctory
- occuring from time to time同义词:occasional
- characterized by a feeling of irresponsibility同义词:fooling
- natural and unstudied同义词:free-and-easy
- not showing effort or strain同义词:effortless
- Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion.这样的便服不宜在正式的场合穿。
- He likes casual attires.他喜欢休闲服装。
- A casual newspaper reader wouldn't like articles on politics everyday.不经心的报纸读者不会喜欢每天都有政论文章。
- John is a casual; he can't find a proper job anywhere.约翰是个临时工,他到处找不到正式工作。
- She is casual about winning the prize.她对获奖漫不经心。
adj.(形容词)Occurring by chance.See Synonyms at chance 偶然发生的参见 chance
Occurring at irregular or infrequent intervals; occasional:临时的,间或的:不规则或不经常地间断发生的;偶然发生的:例句:casual employment at a factory; a casual correspondence with a former teacher.工厂的临时雇佣人员;与先前老师的不定期通信
Unpremeditated; offhand:非预谋的;随便的:例句:a casual remark.即席发言
Being without ceremony or formality; relaxed:放松的:没有仪式或规格的;放松的:例句:a casual evening with friends.与朋友的轻松聚会
Suited for everyday wear or use; informal.轻便的,非正式的:适于每日穿着或使用的;非正式的Not serious or thorough; superficial:肤浅的,漫不经心的:不严重或不全面的;浮浅的:例句:a casual inspection.漫不经心的调查
Showing little interest or concern; nonchalant:不关心的,无动于衷的:表现出较小兴趣或关心的;不关心的:例句:a casual disregard for cold weather.对于寒冷天气毫不在乎
Lenient; permissive:宽大的;允许的:例句:a casual attitude toward drugs.对毒品的听任态度
Not close or intimate; passing:不熟悉的:不接近的或不亲近的;忽略的:例句:a casual acquaintance with avant-garde music.略知先锋派音乐
n.(名词)One that serves or appears at irregular intervals, especially a temporary worker.临时工:不定时服务或出现的人,尤其指临时工Often casuals Casual clothing. 常作 casuals 便装A soldier temporarily attached to a unit while awaiting permanent assignment.暂编人员,分遣员:暂时编入某一单位等候固定任命的军士
来源:Middle English casuel 中古英语 casuel from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin c3su3lis 源自 拉丁语 c3su3lis from c3sus [event] * see case 源自 c3sus [事件] *参见 case