vt. 包含, 容纳, 控制
vi. 自制
【机】 含有
动词过去式:contained 过去分词:contained 现在分词:containing 第三人称单数:contains 形容词:containable
contain, include, embrace, involve, comprehend, hold, comprise这些动词均含有“包括,包含”之意。
contain: 普通用词,所涉及的物体常常是其组成部分或内容。强调包容关系。既可指具体有形的东西,也可指抽象无形的东西。
include: 普通用词,指一整体包含着各独立的部分,也指某东西包含另一东西的某一部分。
embrace: 正式用词,指把某事物纳入整个之中。
involve: 指包含因整体的性质决定的成分或结果。所包括的往往是无形的,不可触知的东西,多用作引申。
comprehend: 正式用词,指包含在整体范围以内。
hold: 常和contain换用。指能够容纳或有足够的容纳量。强调包容能力。
comprise: 书面用词,暗指一个整体包括不同部分所组成,可与include交换使用。
动词 contain:
- include or contain; have as a component同义词:incorporate, comprise
- contain or hold; have within同义词:hold, bear, carry
- lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits同义词:control, hold in, hold, check, curb, moderate
- be divisible by
- be capable of holding or containing同义词:take, hold
- hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of同义词:check, turn back, arrest, stop, hold back
- Try to contain your anger!设法抑制你的怒火!
- This book contains all the information you need.这本书包含你所需的一切资料。
- The atlas contains forty maps.这个地图集有四十幅地图。
To have within; hold.包含;容纳To be capable of holding.能够容纳To have as component parts; include or comprise:以…为组成部分;包括或由…构成:例句:The album contains many memorable songs.这张唱片中包括许多值得收集的歌曲
To hold or keep within limits; restrain:抑制,限制:有限制地控制或持有;抑制:例句:I could hardly contain my curiosity.我简直无法克制我的好奇心
To halt the spread or development of; check:遏制:中止…的传播或发展;遏制:例句:Science sought an effective method of containing the disease.用科学方法探索出遏制这种疾病的有效手段
To check the expansion or influence of (a hostile power or ideology) by containment.牵制:通过遏制手段阻止(敌对势力或意识形态)的扩张或影响Mathematics To be exactly divisible by.【数学】 可被…除尽
来源:Middle English conteinen 中古英语 conteinen from Old French contenir 源自 古法语 contenir from Latin continôre 源自 拉丁语 continôre com- [com-] com- [前缀,表.共.] tenôre [to hold] * see ten- tenôre [容纳] *参见 ten-
adj.(形容词)<参考词汇><同义词>contain,hold,accommodate同义词>These verbs mean to have within or have the capacity for having within.这些动词指包含或有能力包含。 Contain means to have within or have as a part or constituent: Contain 表示包含或拥有(某物)以作为一部分或一组分: 例句:This drawer contains all the cutlery we own.这个抽屉里盛放着我们所有的刀叉餐具。
例句:The book contains some amusing passages.这本书里有一些有趣的章节。
例句:Polluted water contains contaminants.被污染的水中含有放射性污染。
Hold can be used in that sense but primarily stresses capacity for containing: Hold 可用作这个意思但基本上侧重于包含的能力: 例句:The pitcher holds two pints but contains only one.这个罐子可装两品脱,但现在只装了一品脱。
Accommodate refers to capacity for holding comfortably: Accommodate 指宽松地容纳能力: 例句:The restaurant accommodates 50 customers.这家餐馆有五十个餐位。
例句:Four hundred inmates were crowded into a prison intended to accommodate 200. 原本容纳二百人的监狱被塞进了四百个犯人