canteen是什么意思 canteen在线中文翻译



n. 水壶, 军中俱乐部, 临时流动餐馆, 小卖部


名词 canteen:

  1. a flask for carrying water; used by soldiers or travelers
  2. sells food and personal items to personnel at an institution or school or camp etc.
  3. a restaurant outside; often for soldiers or policemen同义词:mobile canteen
  4. a recreation room in an institution
  5. restaurant in a factory; where workers can eat


  1. He always bring a canteen with him on a hike.他作徒步旅行时总是带著水壶。
  2. The canteen is more than usually busy today.今天食堂比往常忙得多。


A snack bar or small cafeteria, as on a military installation.随军小卖部:小吃店或小自助餐厅,如军事单位中的A bar or small general store formerly established for the patronage of soldiers.军中福利社:原为招揽士兵而建的酒吧或小型百货商店A recreation hall or social club where refreshments are available.供应饮食的娱乐厅或俱乐部A temporary or mobile eating place, especially one set up in an emergency.临时餐室:一个临时的或可移动的用膳处,尤指在紧急情况下搭建的A flask for carrying drinking water, as on a hike.水壶:携带饮用水的小壶。如外出旅行时所带的
A box with compartments for carrying cooking gear and eating utensils.饭盒:有盛放餐具和食具的小隔间的盒子A soldier`s mess kit.士兵的炊具箱Chiefly British A box used to store silverware.【多用于英国】 银器盒:用于放银器的盒子
来源:French cantine 法语 cantine from Italian cantina [wine cellar] 源自 意大利语 cantina [酒窖]