cursor是什么意思 cursor在线中文翻译



n. 游标, 光标
【计】 光标


名词 cursor:

  1. (computer science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display; moving it allows the user to point to commands or screen positions同义词:pointer


  1. A hand held controller used with microcomputers and video games to control the movement of the cursor or graphic display, on the screen.一种手握控制装置,同微机和电子游戏机联用,以控制光标或显示的图形在屏幕上的运动。
  2. The mouse is a small, handheld object that is pushed around a desktop to move the cursor on the screen or to select choices from menus displayed on the screen.鼠标是一个可以用手在桌面上推动的小东西,通过它可以在屏幕上移动光标或者选中菜单上的某项功能。


n.Computer Science (名词)【计算机科学】 A bright, usually blinking, movable indicator on a display, marking the position at which a character can be entered, corrected, or deleted.光标:显示器上的明亮、通常闪动的、可移动指示物,用于标明某一字符可以进入、修改或删去的位置
来源:Middle English [runner] 中古英语 [跑动的人] from Latin 源自 拉丁语 from cursus [past participle of] currere [to run] * see kers- 源自 cursus [] currere的过去分词 [跑] *参见 kers-