cop是什么意思 cop在线中文翻译



n. 警官
vt. 抓住
【建】 锥形细纱球
cop it
cop out


动词过去式:copped 过去分词:copped 现在分词:copping 第三人称单数:cops 


名词 cop:

  1. uncomplimentary terms for a policeman同义词:bull, copper, fuzz, pig

动词 cop:

  1. take by theft同义词:hook, snitch, thieve, knock off, glom
  2. take into custody同义词:collar, nail, apprehend, arrest, pick up, nab


  1. The heavy rain missed the north of the country altogether, and the south copped the lot.该国南部大雨滂沱而北部却滴雨未落。
  2. He was boasting about how brave he was at the start, but copped out (of it) at the finish.他起初夸耀自己勇敢,到头来却打了退堂鼓。
  3. When he finds out who broke his radio, you'll really cop it!要是他知道了是谁把他的收音机弄坏了,准够你受的!
  4. He copped a nasty whack on the head.他头上受一重击。
  5. If I cop you cheating again you'll be in trouble.我要再发现你骗人,决不轻饶。
  6. Here, cop hold of the screwdriver while I try the hammer.喂,握住这把改锥,我用 头试试。
  7. He was copped for speeding.他因超速行车被捕。
  8. He's not much cop as a boxer.他是个蹩脚的拳击手。


n.Informal (名词)【非正式用语】 A police officer.警察及物动词)copped,,cops To take unlawfully or without permission; steal.See Synonyms at steal 偷盗:非法或未经许可地拿取;偷盗参见 stealSlang 【俚语】 To get hold of; gain or win:抓住;获得,赢得:例句:a show that copped four awards; copped a ticket to the game.这出戏获得四项大奖;赢得一张观看比赛的票
To take or catch:取走,看到:例句:.copped a quick look at the gentleman in a caramel cashmere sport coat on the right.(Gail Sheehy).很快地瞥了右边身穿浅褐色羊毛休闲外套的绅士一眼.(盖尔·希伊)
<常用词组>cop out 【俚语】
To avoid fulfilling a commitment or responsibility; renege:失信:逃避履行某一义务或承担某一责任;变卦:例句:copped out on my friends; copped out by ducking the issue.失信于朋友;回避这个问题
常用词组><习惯用语>cop a plea【俚语】
To plead guilty to a lesser charge so as to avoid standing trial for a more serious charge.坦白从宽:承认有罪以求轻判并避免遭受较为严重的惩罚习惯用语>来源:Short for copper copper的简写 probably from cop 可能源自 cop variant of cap [to catch] cap的变体 [抓住] from Old French caper 源自 古法语 caper from Latin capere * see capture 源自 拉丁语 capere *参见 capture

cop 2
n.(名词)A cone-shaped or cylindrical roll of yarn or thread wound on a spindle.管纱,纬管:一种绕在纺锤上的圆锥形或圆柱形纱团或线团Chiefly British A summit or crest, as of a hill.【多用于英国】 顶:顶峰或冠,如山等
来源:Middle English [summit] 中古英语 [山顶] from Old English 源自 古英语