n. 合意, 一致, 同感
【计】 合意
【医】 同感
名词 consensus:
- agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole
- Consensus politics; consensus management.代表多数人意见的政纲; 代表民意的管理
- The two parties have reached a consensus.这两个政党达成了一致意见。
- There is broad consensus (of opinion) in the country on this issue.对这一问题举国上下(舆论)普遍一致。
n.(名词)An opinion or position reached by a group as a whole or by majority will:大多数意见:一个团体作为整体或服从多数所达成的共识或立场:例句:The voters` consensus was that the measure should be adopted.大多数选民的意见是采取这个措施
General agreement or accord:大致上的同意或一致:例句:government by consensus.被一致认可的政府
n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:常用来修饰另一个名词:例句:consensus politics; consensus management.代表多数人意见的政纲;代表民意的管理
来源:Latin [from past participle of] cônsentore [to agree] * see
consent 拉丁语 [] 源自cônsentore的过去分词 [同意] *参见
consentMany grammarians have maintained that the expression
consensus of opinion is redundant, inasmuch as
consensus itself denotes a judgment about which there is general agreement.
Consensus of opinion has often been used by reputable writers, however, and has sometimes been defended on the grounds that a consensus may involve attitudes other than opinions;thus, one may speak of a
consensus of beliefs, or a
consensus of usage. Nonetheless, the qualifying phrase can usually be omitted with no loss of clarity.The sentence
It was the consensus of opinion among the sportswriters that the game should not have been played says nothing that is not said by 许多语法学家都认为短语
consensus of opinion 这个说法是罗唆的, 因为
consensus 本身就表示一种得到大多数同意的意见。 然而
consensus of opinion 仍常常被知名作家所使用, 并且有时人们会辩解说它除了意见上的一致外可能还包括态度上的一致;因此,我们可以说
consensus of beliefs(信仰一致) 或
consensus of usage(用法一致)。 尽管这样,限定性短语通常可以被省略而不会使表达不清楚。如
体育新闻记者们的一致意见是这场比赛本不应该进行的 这个句子并不比 例句:It was the consensus of the sportswriters that the game should not have been played. · 体育新闻记者们一致认为这场比赛本不应该进行的这一句子多说些什么。
Expressions such as
overall consensus and
general consensus are harder to defend against the charge of redundancy. In the most recent survey,
overall consensus was judged redundant by 95 percent of the members of the Usage Panel. See Usage Note at
redundancy 象
overall consensus(整体一致) 和
general consensus(大体上一致) 的说法,称它们罗唆更是理所应当的。 在最近的调查中,用法专题使用小组中95%的成员认为
overall consensus(整体一致) 是罗唆的 参见