cheetah是什么意思 cheetah在线中文翻译



n. 猎豹


名词 cheetah:

  1. long-legged spotted cat of Africa and southwestern Asia having nonretractile claws; the swiftest mammal; can be trained to run down game同义词:chetah, Acinonyx jubatus


cheetah 也作 che.tah
n.(名词)A long-legged, swift-running wild cat(Acinonyx jubatus) of Africa and southwest Asia, having black-spotted, tawny fur and nonretractile claws. The cheetah, the fastest animal on land, can run for short distances at about 9' kilometers ('0 miles) per hour. 猎豹:产地为非洲及西南亚的一种腿长、善奔的野生猫科动物(猎豹) ,毛为黄褐色带黑斑,爪为不可缩回式。猎豹是陆地上行动最快的动物,短距离奔跑速度可达每小时9'公里('0英里)
来源:Hindustani cot3 兴都斯坦语 cot3 from Sanskrit citrak3yaô [tiger, leopard] 源自 梵文 citrak3yaô [老虎,豹] citra- [variegated] citra- [有斑点的] k3yaô [body] * see k wei- 2k3yaô [身体] *参见 k wei- 2