dip是什么意思 dip在线中文翻译



vt. 浸, 降下, 把(手、勺等)伸入, 舀取
vi. 浸, 降下, 把(手、勺等)伸入, 舀取
n. 浸, 涉猎
【计】 双列直插式组件, 分布式输入输出系统, 双排直插封装
【医】 [磁]倾角, 浸
【经】 行情下跌
dip into sth


动词过去式:dipped 过去分词:dipped 现在分词:dipping 第三人称单数:dips 


immerse, dip, duck, plunge, submerge
immerse: 侧重全部被液体所覆盖,也可用于比喻意义。
dip: 指部分地、暂时地或轻微地放进液体,多暗示一种谨慎或试探性的动作。
duck: 指把头伸进水中,或指游泳时开玩笑地把一个人的头按入水中。
plunge: 暗示迅速而有力的动作,但浸入不一定很深。
submerge: 指长时间的完全浸入、潜入,强调浸入液体深层。


名词 dip:

  1. a depression in an otherwise level surface
  2. (physics) the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon同义词:angle of dip, magnetic dip, magnetic inclination, inclination
  3. a thief who steals from the pockets or purses of others in public places同义词:pickpocket, cutpurse
  4. tasty mixture or liquid into which bite-sized foods are dipped
  5. a brief immersion
  6. a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity同义词:drop, fall, free fall
  7. a candle that is made by repeated dipping in a pool of wax or tallow
  8. a brief swim in water同义词:plunge
  9. a gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered and raised by bending and straightening the arms

动词 dip:

  1. immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate同义词:dunk, souse, plunge, douse
  2. dip into a liquid while eating同义词:dunk
  3. go down momentarily
  4. stain an object by immersing it in a liquid
  5. switch (a car's headlights) from a higher to a lower beam同义词:dim
  6. lower briefly
  7. appear to move downward同义词:sink
  8. slope downwards
  9. dip into a liquid同义词:douse, duck
  10. place (candle wicks) into hot, liquid wax
  11. immerse in a disinfectant solution
  12. scoop up by plunging one's hand or a ladle below the surface


  1. The sun dipped below the horizon.太阳落到地平线下。
  2. The boat dipped into the waves.小船沉没在波涛之中。
  3. He dipped his pen in the ink.他拿钢笔蘸墨水。
  4. The land dips gently to the south.地面缓缓向南倾斜。


v.(动词)dipped,dip.ping,dips v.tr.(及物动词)To plunge briefly into a liquid, as in order to wet, coat, or saturate.浸:短暂地插入液体,以弄湿、涂层或浸透To color or dye by immersing:浸染:通过浸入上色或染色:例句:dip Easter eggs.给复活节彩蛋上色
To immerse (a sheep or other animal) in a disinfectant solution.把…放在杀虫液中浸洗:把(羊或其它动物)浸入消毒水溶液中To form (a candle) by repeatedly immersing a wick in melted wax or tallow.制造(蜡烛):把烛蕊反复在溶化的油或蜡中浸泡来制作(蜡烛)To galvanize or plate (metal) by immersion.电镀:通过浸泡镀涂金属To scoop up by plunging the hand or a receptacle below the surface, as of a liquid; ladle:舀:通过插入手或容器于低于表面舀出,如液体;舀:例句:dip water out of a bucket.用吊桶吊水
To lower and raise (a flag) in salute.扬旗致敬,行点旗礼To lower or drop (something) suddenly:突然放低或放下某物:例句:dipped my head to avoid the branch.我低头绕过树枝
v.intr.(不及物动词)To plunge into water or other liquid and come out quickly.浸一浸:插入水或其它液体,然而快速取出To plunge the hand or a receptacle into liquid or a container, especially so as to take something up or out:汲取,掏取:将手或容器插入容器或液体,尤其是以便取出某物:例句:I dipped into my pocket for some coins.我从口袋里掏出几枚硬币
To make inroads into funds:侵占资金:例句:We dipped into our savings.我们挪用存款
To drop down or sink out of sight suddenly:下降或忽然从视野消失:例句:The sun dipped below the horizon.太阳落山
To drop suddenly before climbing. Used of an aircraft.骤降:上升前的急降。用于飞机To slope downward; decline:倾斜:向下倾斜;倾斜:例句:The road dipped.公路倾斜
To decline slightly and usually temporarily:轻微下降,通常是暂时的:例句:Sales dipped after Christmas.圣诞节后,销售下降
Geology To lie at an angle to the horizontal plane, as a rock stratum or vein.【地质学】 下沉:从地平线下降,如岩石层或岩脉
To read here and there at random; browse:随意翻阅;浏览:例句:dipping into Chaucer.随便翻阅乔叟的作品
To investigate a subject superficially; dabble:涉猎:浅层次地研究某学科;浅尝:例句:dipped into psychology.涉猎心理学
n.(名词)A brief plunge or immersion, especially a quick swim.短促浸入,特别是快的摆动A liquid into which something is dipped, as for dyeing or disinfecting.印染水,消毒水:用于如印染或消毒浸泡一些液体A savory creamy mixture into which crackers, raw vegetables, or other foods may be dipped.浇汁:一种液态调味汁,饼干、蔬菜或其它食物可蘸之An amount taken up by dipping.被浸泡的量A container for dipping.用于浸泡的容器A candle made by repeated dipping in tallow or wax.蜡烛:反复在融蜡或某种物质中浸泡而做成的蜡烛A downward slope; a decline.倾斜:向下的斜坡;斜面A sharp downward course; a drop:急剧倾斜的过程:例句:a dip in prices.价格急降
Geology The downward inclination of a rock stratum or vein in reference to the plane of the horizon.【地质学】 下沉:矿层或岩石相对水平面的向下倾斜Magnetic dip.倾磁角A hollow or depression.陷落Sports A gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered by bending the elbows until the chin reaches the level of the bars and then is raised by straightening the arms.【体育运动】 引体向上:在双杠的一端做的一种练习;两手握杠,曲臂,下额与杠平,然后直臂推起Slang A pickpocket.【俚语】 扒手Slang A foolish or stupid person.【俚语】 傻瓜和笨蛋
来源:Middle English dippen 中古英语 dippen from Old English dyppan * see dheub- 源自 古英语 dyppan *参见 dheub-
<参考词汇><同义词>dip,douse,duck,dunk,immerse,souse,submerge同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to plunge briefly into a liquid.: 这些动词的中心意思是.短暂插入液体.: 例句:dipped a doughnut into his coffee;将炸圈饼放入咖啡;
例句:doused her head in the shower;把头放在喷淋浴下;
例句:playmates ducking each other in the pool;游伴在池中嬉水;
例句:dunked the dirty shirt into soapsuds;将脏衣服泡在肥皂水里;
例句:immersed the tomatoes in boiling water;在沸水中浸泡土豆;
例句:managed to avoid falling and being soused in the puddle;设法避免掉下去并泡在水坑里;
例句:tents and trailers submerged by the deluge. 帐篷和拖车被洪水浸淹