decline是什么意思 decline在线中文翻译



n. 衰退, 跌落, 下降
vt. 使降低, 婉谢
vi. 下降, 衰落, 偏斜
【医】 衰退, 减退, 衰退期(人), 减退期(病)
【经】 下降, 递减; 下跌
on the decline
fall into a decline


名词:decliner 动词过去式:declined 过去分词:declined 现在分词:declining 第三人称单数:declines 形容词:declinable 


refuse, decline, reject, repel, deny
refuse: 语气较重,指态度坚决,肯定无疑的拒绝。
decline: 指婉言谢绝他人的帮助或邀请等。
reject: 多指由于某物某事某行为不能让人满意而被当面直截了当地拒绝,与之相近的是spurn,鄙弃之意。
repel: 作“拒绝”解时,语气比reject强。
deny: 指否认(观点)。


名词 decline:

  1. change toward something smaller or lower同义词:diminution
  2. a condition inferior to an earlier condition; a gradual falling off from a better state同义词:declination
  3. a gradual decrease; as of stored charge or current同义词:decay
  4. a downward slope or bend同义词:descent, declivity, fall, declination, declension, downslope

动词 decline:

  1. grow worse同义词:worsen
  2. refuse to accept同义词:refuse, reject, pass up, turn down
  3. show unwillingness towards同义词:refuse
  4. grow smaller同义词:go down, wane
  5. go down
  6. go down in value同义词:slump, correct
  7. inflect for number, gender, case, etc., "in many languages, speakers decline nouns, pronouns, and adjectives"


  1. She is on the decline, and may die soon.她的健康每况愈下,可能不久于人世。
  2. The wall declined slightly on account of the earthquake.墙壁因地震而倾斜。
  3. He spent his declining years in the country.他在乡间度过晚年。
  4. I wish prices would decline.但愿物价下降。


v.(动词)de.clined,,de.clines v.intr.(不及物动词)To express polite refusal.婉拒,谢绝
To slope downward; descend.向下倾斜;下倾To bend downward; droop.向下弯曲;下垂To degrade or lower oneself; condescend.降低自己的身份;屈尊俯就To deteriorate gradually; fail.逐渐恶化;衰败
To sink, as the setting sun.下沉,如落日To draw to a gradual close; wane.接近结束;消逝及物动词)To refuse politely:婉辞,谢绝:例句:I declined their offer of help.See Synonyms at refuse 我谢绝了他们提出的帮助参见 refuse
To cause to slope or bend downward.使…倾斜或使…向下弯曲Grammar To inflect (a noun, a pronoun, or an adjective) for number and case.【语法】 字尾变化:使(名词,代词或形容词)的数和格发生变化n.(名词)The process or result of declining, especially a gradual deterioration.衰退:衰落,尤指逐渐恶化的过程或结果A downward movement.下降,落下:向下的运动The period when something approaches an end.后期:接近结束的时期A downward slope; a declivity.斜坡:下坡;下倾的斜坡A disease that gradually weakens or wastes the body.消耗病:使身体逐渐衰弱或消瘦的疾病
来源:Middle English declinen 中古英语 declinen from Old French decliner 源自 古法语 decliner from Latin clon3re [to turn away, bend downward, change the form of a word] 源自 拉丁语 clon3re [转过脸,向下弯曲,改变词形] - [de-] - [向下] -clon3re [to lean, bend] * see klei- -clon3re [倾斜,弯曲] *参见 klei-