dead是什么意思 dead在线中文翻译



a. 死的, 不活泼的, 麻木的, 熄灭的
n. 死者
ad. 完全地, 直接地
【医】 死亡的, 麻木的
in the dead of...
be dead to...
dead to rights


名词:deadness 形容词比较级:deader 最高级:deadest 


dead, dying
dead: 指已停止呼吸和心脏跳动,与alive(活着的,活的)相对。
dying: 指奄奄一息,行将死亡。
dead, deadly
dead: 意思是“死的”、“已死去的”(no longer living);用作副词时,其意为“完全地”、“非常地”,如:dead drunk; dead tired; dead dull; dead right.
  • he is dead.
  • i found a dog howling over the dead body.
  • the baby was born dead.
  • he was dead drunk in the new year eve party.
  • i'm dead tired!

deadly: 用作形容词时,其意为“致命的”:“不共戴天的”(likely to cause death or filled with intense hatred)。与之经常搭配使用的词有:poison、weapon、wound、enemy。deadly用作副词时,也是表示“非常”、“极其”的意思,一般用于负面意义,相当于very much和extremely.
  • be careful!this is a deadly poison.
  • he is our deadly enemy.
  • his face turned deadly pale.
  • the show is deadly boring.


名词 dead:

  1. people who are no longer living
  2. a time when coldness (or some other quality associated with death) is intense

形容词 dead:

  1. no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life
  2. not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat
  3. very tired同义词:all in, beat, bushed
  4. unerringly accurate
  5. physically inactive
  6. total同义词:utter
  7. not endowed with life同义词:inanimate, nonliving, non-living
  8. (followed by `to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive同义词:numb
  9. devoid of physical sensation; numb同义词:deadened
  10. lacking acoustic resonance
  11. not yielding a return同义词:idle
  12. not circulating or flowing同义词:stagnant
  13. out of use or operation because of a fault or breakdown
  14. not surviving in active use
  15. lacking resilience or bounce
  16. no longer in force or use; inactive同义词:defunct
  17. no longer having force or relevance
  18. sudden and complete
  19. drained of electric charge; discharged同义词:drained
  20. lacking animation or excitement or activity同义词:lifeless
  21. devoid of activity

副词 dead:

  1. quickly and without warning同义词:abruptly, suddenly, short
  2. completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers同义词:absolutely, perfectly, utterly


  1. Many people say that detente is now a dead letter.很多人说缓和国际紧张局势的论调已是明日黄花。
  2. It fell with a dead thud.它砰的一声倒了下来。
  3. She's a dead ringer for a girl I used to know.她酷似以前我认识的一个女孩。
  4. He's dead set on getting a new job.他打定主意要找个新工作。
  5. It lay there with its eyes closed, dead as a doornail.它躺在那里眼睛闭著,确实死了。
  6. He was dead asleep.他酣然大睡。
  7. His love for you is dead.他对你的爱情已不复存在。


adj.(形容词),dead.est Having lost life; no longer alive.死亡的:丧失了生命的;不再活着的Marked for certain death; doomed:宣告死亡的;注定要死的:例句:was marked as a dead man by the assassin.被暗杀而丧生
Having the physical appearance of death:具有死亡的身体外观的:例句:a dead pallor.毫无血色的苍白
Lacking feeling or sensitivity; numb or unresponsive:没感觉的:缺乏感觉或反应能力的;麻木的或不反应的:例句:Passersby were dead to our pleas for help.路过的人不理睬我们的呼救
Weary and worn-out; exhausted.疲倦的:疲倦的和筋疲力尽的;疲惫的
Not having the capacity to live; inanimate or inert.无生命的:没有生存能力的;无生命的或不活泼的Not having the capacity to produce or sustain life; barren:贫瘠的:没有能力生产或不能维持生命的;贫瘠的:例句:dead soil.贫瘠的土地
No longer in existence, use, or operation.消失的,静止的:不再存在、使用或运转的No longer having significance or relevance.不再重要的,不再关联的Physically inactive; dormant:不再活动的;休眠的:例句:a dead volcano.死火山
Not commercially productive; idle:闲置的:缺乏商业上活力的;闲置不用的:例句:dead capital.闲置的资金
Not circulating or running; stagnant:不流通的:不流通的或不流动的;停滞的:例句:dead water; dead air.死水;不流通的空气
Devoid of human or vehicular activity; quiet:罕有人迹的:没有人类或交通工具活动的;安静的:例句:a dead town.罕有人迹的城镇
Lacking all animation, excitement, or activity; dull:沉闷的:缺乏充分活力、热情或活动的;乏味的:例句:The party being dead, we left early.由于聚会过于沉闷,我们很早就离开了
Having no resonance. Used of sounds:无杂音的:没有共振的。用于声音:例句:.One characteristic of compact discs we all can hear is dead sound. It may be pure but it has no life.(Musical Heritage Review).激光唱片的特点之一就是音质纯净。虽然没有杂音,但是缺乏生命力.(音乐精品回顾)
Having grown cold; having been extinguished:冷却的,熄灭的:变得冷的;已经熄灭的:例句:dead coals; a dead flame.冷却的煤炭;熄灭的火焰
Lacking elasticity or bounce:缺乏弹性或反弹的:例句:That tennis ball is dead.这个网球没弹力了
Out of operation because of a fault or breakdown:失灵的,出故障的:由于错误或损坏而不能正常使用的:例句:The motor is dead.汽车熄火了
Sudden; abrupt:突然的;冒失的:例句:a dead stop.突然停住
Complete; utter:完全的;彻底的:例句:dead silence.死静
Exact; unerring.正确的;无错误的Sports Out of play. Used of a ball.【体育运动】 死球的。用来指球
Lacking connection to a source of electric current.没有接上电源的Drained of electric charge; discharged:电力用完的;放电的:例句:a dead battery.电力用完的电池
n.(名词)One who has died:死者:例句:respect for the dead.对死者的尊重
The period exhibiting the greatest degree of intensity:最高阶段,最强阶段:程度最高或强度最强的阶段:例句:the dead of winter; the dead of night.隆冬;深夜
adv.(副词)Absolutely; altogether:绝对地;完全地:例句:You can be dead sure of my innocence.你绝对可以相信我是无辜的
Directly; exactly:直接地;确切地:例句:There`s a gas station dead ahead.就在前面有一个加油站
Suddenly:突然地:例句:She stopped dead on the stairway.她突然在楼梯上停住了
<习惯用语>dead and buried
No longer in use or under consideration:不再使用的,不在考虑的:例句:All past animosities are dead and buried now.过去的所有仇恨现在都不考虑而且一笔勾销了
dead in the water
Unable to function or move:不能起作用的,不能移动的:例句:The crippled ship was dead in the water. With no leadership, the project was dead in the water.那只坏船停滞在水中不能动了。没有了领导,计划不能实施
dead to rights
In the very act of making an error or committing a crime:现场作案的:正在犯错误或犯罪的那一时候:例句:The police caught the thief dead to rights with my silverware.警察抓住了正在偷我银器的小偷
习惯用语>来源:Middle English ded 中古英语 ded from Old English ad * see dheu- 2源自 古英语 ad *参见 dheu- 2
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>dead,deceased,departed,extinct,lifeless,inanimate同义词>These adjectives all mean without life.这些形容词均表示无生命的。 Dead, which has the widest use, applies in general to whatever once had—but no longer has—physical life ( Dead 用得最广,一般适用于前面所述的——但是现在不再有的——生命( 例句:a dead man; a dead leaf), function (The battery is dead ), or force or currency ( 死者;
例句:a dead issue; a dead language). 枯叶), 功能(电池没电了 ), 或力量、流通(
Deceased —likedeparted, which is a euphemistic term—refers only to nonliving human beings: 不再流通的文件;attended a memorial service for a recently deceased friend;
.shedding funereal tears over his departed dog. (Ben Jonson). Deceased ——象departed ,委婉的语言——仅指死者: 例句:参加一最近逝世朋友的悼念仪式;
Extinct can refer to what has no living successors ( .在他的狗的葬礼上落泪. (本·琼森)。The dodo is extinct) or to what is extinguished or inactive (
Extinct 可指没有继承者的( 例句:渡渡鸟绝种了) 或灭绝的或不活动的(
例句:an extinct volcano). 死火山)。
Lifeless applies to what no longer has physical life ( Lifeless 意被不再有生命的( 例句:a lifeless body), to what does not support life ( 死尸), 不能维持生命(
例句:a lifeless planet), and to what lacks animation, spirit, or brightness ( 无生命的行星), 和缺乏生气、精神或欢乐的(
例句:a lifeless performance of the sonata; lifeless colors). 奏鸣曲乏味的演出;
Inanimate is most often limited to what has never had physical life: 无生机的颜色)。 .He then fell, like an inanimate log, to the earth. (James Fenimore Cooper).
Inanimate 常常仅限于没有生命的: 例句:.然后他像一条死狗一样,倒在了地上. (詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀)