deep是什么意思 deep在线中文翻译



a. 深的
ad. 深入地
n. 深渊, 深处
【机】 深
go off the deep end
in deep trouble


名词:deepness 副词:deeply 形容词比较级:deeper 最高级:deepest 


deep, profound
deep: 普通用词,指由上到下,或由表及里的深度,可指具体或抽象事物。
profound: 语气较强,较为庄重,多指抽象的事物,多用于比喻。


名词 deep:

  1. the central and most intense or profound part
  2. a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor同义词:trench, oceanic abyss
  3. literary term for an ocean

形容词 deep:

  1. relatively deep or strong; affecting one deeply
  2. marked by depth of thinking
  3. having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center; sometimes used in combination
  4. very distant in time or space
  5. extreme
  6. having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range同义词:bass
  7. strong; intense同义词:rich
  8. relatively thick from top to bottom
  9. extending relatively far inward
  10. (of darkness) very intense同义词:thick
  11. large in quantity or size
  12. with head or back bent low
  13. of an obscure nature同义词:cryptic, cryptical, inscrutable, mysterious, mystifying
  14. difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge同义词:abstruse, recondite
  15. exhibiting great cunning usually with secrecy

副词 deep:

  1. to a great depth同义词:deeply
  2. to an advanced time同义词:late
  3. to far into space;


  1. They stood knee-deep in the snow.他们站在没膝深的雪里。
  2. The grass was ankle-deep.草深至脚踝处。
  3. The deer escaped to the deep forest.那鹿逃入了丛林深处。
  4. The ship sank deep into the sea.船深深地沉入了海底。


Extending far downward below a surface:深的:向下延伸,远远低于表面的:例句:a deep hole in the river ice.在冰河里的深洞
Extending far inward from an outer surface:深长的:从外表向里延伸很远的:例句:a deep cut.很深的切口
Extending far backward from front to rear:深入的:从前方向后部延伸很远的:例句:a deep walk-in refrigerator.宽而深的大冷冻库
Extending far from side to side from a center:延伸的:从侧面向中心的伸展很远的:例句:a deep yard surrounding the house.宽阔的庭院围绕着那所房子
Far distant down or in:在深处的:纵深的,位于深处的:例句:deep in the woods.在森林深处
Coming from or penetrating to a depth:深远的:来自深处的或穿透很深的:例句:a deep sigh.深深的叹息
Sports Located or taking place near the outer boundaries of the area of play:【体育运动】 外围地带的:靠场边的,位于或发生在靠近球场的外部边界的:例句:deep left field.左外野
Extending a specific distance in a given direction:深度的:沿指定方向往一深处延展的:例句:snow four feet deep.四英尺厚的雪
Far distant in time or space:遥远的:在时空上很远的:例句:deep in the past.遥远的过去
Difficult to penetrate or understand; recondite:深奥的:难以理解的;不易懂的:例句:a deep metaphysical theory.深奥的形而上学理论
Of a mysterious or obscure nature:神秘的:不可思议的,含糊难解的:例句:a deep secret; ancient and deep tribal rites.奥秘;古老而神秘的部落仪式
Very learned or intellectual; wise:博学的:渊博的,聪慧的;明智的:例句:a deep philosopher.造诣很深的哲学家
Exhibiting great cunning or craft:狡黠的,机智的:狡猾的,狡诈的:例句:deep political machinations.狡猾的政治阴谋
Of a grave or extreme nature:严重的,极端的:例句:deep trouble; deepest deceit.艰难的困境,最严重的欺骗
Very absorbed or involved:专心的,深陷的:全神贯注的,深陷的:例句:deep in thought; deep in financial difficulties.陷入沉思;财政陷入困境之中
Profound in quality or feeling:强烈的,深厚的:品质或感情深切的:例句:a deep trance; deep devotion.出神;完全的奉献
Rich and intense in shade. Used of a color:深色的:暗度浓烈的。用于指颜色:例句:a deep red.深红色
Low in pitch; resonant:低沉的:指音高低的;共鸣的:例句:a deep voice.低沉的声音
Covered or surrounded to a designated degree. Often used in combination:深及…的:被覆盖或包围到特定的程度的,常用于复合词:例句:waist-deep in the water; ankle-deep in snow.水深及腰部;雪深及脚踝
Large in quantity or size; big:大幅度的:数量或尺寸方面大的;大的:例句:deep cuts in the budget.大幅度的财政预算上的裁减
adv.(副词)To a great depth; deeply:深入地:深入地至很深处;深深地:例句:dig deep; feelings that run deep.挖得深;深藏不露的感情
Well along in time; late:晚期地:随着时间而加深地;迟地:例句:worked deep into the night.工作直至深夜
Sports Close to the outer boundaries of the area of play:【体育运动】 靠近场外地:靠球场的外场线:例句:played deep for the first three innings; ran deep into their opponents` territory.在头三局中把球打出界外;跑入对方场靠近场外的地方
A deep place in land or in a body of water:深处:陆地或大片水域的深处:例句:drowned in the deep of the river.淹死在河流的深水处
A vast, immeasurable extent:辽阔:广袤的,莫测的区域:例句:the deep of outer space.深邃的太空
The extent of encompassing time or space; firmament.久远,深渊:包括时间或空间的范围;苍穹The most intense or extreme part:最强烈的部分,极端的部分:例句:the deep of night.深夜
The ocean.海洋Nautical A distance estimated in fathoms between successive marks on a sounding line.【航海】 水砣绳间距标示:通过测深锤上连续的标记估计出来的以英寸计量的距离
<习惯用语>deep down
At bottom; basically:在内心深处;根本上:例句:Deep down, she was still a rebel.她实质上仍是个叛逆者
in deep water
In difficulty.陷入麻烦习惯用语>来源:Middle English dep 中古英语 dep from Old English op * see dheub- 源自 古英语 op *参见 dheub-
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>deep,abysmal,profound同义词>The central meaning shared by these adjectives is .extending far downward or inward from a surface.: 这些形容词的主要意思都是.从表面向下或向里延伸很远.: 例句:a deep lake;深湖;
例句:falling from a cliff through abysmal space;从悬崖往下坠入深不可测的空间;
例句:a profound glacial chasm. shallow 很深的冰渊 shallow