degree是什么意思 degree在线中文翻译



n. 程度, 度数, 学位, 度
【医】 度, 程度
【经】 程度, 度
to the last degree
to the nth degree
to a degree


class, degree, grade, rank
class: 含义广泛,指人或物按优劣划分的等级,也指学校中的年级或班级。
degree: 指程度、范围不同,社会地位的高低。也可指形容词或副词的级。
grade: 指按地位或优劣划分的等级,既可指人又可指物。
rank: 指人在社会中的地位或等级,尤指军队中的军衔。


名词 degree:

  1. a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality同义词:grade, level
  2. a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process同义词:level, stage, point
  3. an award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study同义词:academic degree
  4. a unit of temperature on a specified scale
  5. a measure for arcs and angles同义词:arcdegree
  6. the highest power of a term or variable
  7. the seriousness of something (e.g., a burn or crime)


  1. She has also been affected, but to a lesser degree.她也受到波及,但程度较轻。
  2. They cannot be trusted in the slightest degree.对他们一点也不能相信。
  3. To do this job, you must have a degree in English.从事这个工作你必须具有英语专业的大学学位。
  4. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.水在摄氏零度结冰。


n.(名词)One of a series of steps in a process, course, or progression; a stage:阶级:过程或进程中一系列阶段中的一级;阶段:例句:rose by degrees from clerk to manager of the store.按阶级逐渐从店员上升到经理
A step in a direct hereditary line of descent or ascent:支系,旁系:直系血缘遗传中的一级:例句:First cousins are two degrees from their common ancestor.嫡堂(或嫡表)兄(或姐,弟,妹)与他们共同的祖宗源自两个支系
Relative social or official rank, dignity, or position.地位,身份:相应的社会地位或军衔、尊严或职务Relative intensity or amount, as of a quality or an attribute:强度,数量:相应的强度或数量,如某一特质或属性的强度或数量:例句:a high degree of accuracy.高度精确
The extent or measure of a state of being, an action, or a relation:程度,范围:存在、行动或联系的范围:例句:modernized their facilities to a large degree.使他们的设备做大规模的现代化
Abbr. deg,deg.A unit division of a temperature scale.缩写 deg,deg.度:温度刻度的一个单位Mathematics A planar unit of angular measure equal in magnitude to !/3'0 of a complete revolution.【数学】 度,度数:在量值上等于旋转一周的!/3'0的角度测量的一个平面单位A unit of latitude or longitude, equal to !/3'0 of a great circle.经纬度:经线或纬线的一个单位,等于一个大圆的!/3'0Mathematics 【数学】 The greatest sum of the exponents of the variables in a term of a polynomial or polynomial equation.次数:多项式或多项式方程中变量的幂的最大数The exponent of the derivative of highest order in a differential equation in standard form.次:标准形式下的微分方程里最高次序的微商的幂
An academic title given by a college or university to a student who has completed a course of study:学位:由学院或大学授予完成学业的学生的学术称号:例句:received the Bachelor of Arts degree at commencement.在毕业典礼上接受文学学士学位
A similar title conferred as an honorary distinction.荣誉学位:一种类似的作为一种荣誉而被授予的称号Law A division or classification of a specific crime according to its seriousness:【法律】 等级:根据轻重程度对罪行的分类:例句:murder in the second degree.二级谋杀
A classification of the severity of an injury, especially a burn:深度:受伤,尤指烧伤的严重程度:例句:a third-degree burn.三度烧伤
Grammar One of the forms used in the comparison of adjectives and adverbs. For example,sweet is the positive degree, sweeter the comparative degree, and sweetest the superlative degree of the adjective sweet. 【语法】 比较级:形容词和副词的比较形式之一。例如,sweet 是原级, sweeter 是比较级, sweetest 是形容词 sweet 的最高级 Music 【音乐】 One of the seven notes of a diatonic scale.音级:全音阶的七个音符之一A space or line of the staff.谱间,谱线
<习惯用语>by degrees
Little by little; gradually.一点一点地;逐渐地to a degree
To a small extent; in a limited way.有点,稍微:在小范围内;以限制的方式习惯用语>来源:Middle English degre 中古英语 degre from Old French 源自 古法语 from Vulgar Latin *dôgradus 源自 俗拉丁语 *dôgradus Latin - [de-] 拉丁语 - [表示.否定.] Latin gradus [step] * see ghredh- 拉丁语 gradus [阶段] *参见 ghredh-