disabled是什么意思 disabled在线中文翻译



a. 残废的, 有缺陷的, 失效的
【计】 失效的


名词 disabled:

  1. people collectively who are crippled or otherwise physically handicapped同义词:handicapped

动词 disable:

  1. make unable to perform a certain action同义词:disable, disenable, incapacitate
  2. injure permanently同义词:disable, invalid, incapacitate, handicap

形容词 disabled:

  1. markedly unable to function as a consequence of injury or illness同义词:handicapped
  2. so badly injured as to be excused from continuing同义词:hors de combat, out of action


  1. Now that he was disabled, his house had become a prison to him.因为他残废了,他的房子就成了他的牢笼。
  2. The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg is buried in sadness.那个腿部受伤致残的士兵正沉浸在悲哀之中。
  3. The disabled ship coasted the island, looking for a harbor.那艘损坏的船只在海岛沿岸航行以寻找港口。
  4. Old age disabled him for hard labour.年迈使他不能干繁重的工作。
  5. He was disabled from walking by the accident.由于车祸,他不能走路了。
  6. The library have facilities for the disabled.图书馆备有为残疾人服务的设施。
  7. Her latest book discusses the problems of the disabled.她 的新书论述残疾人的问题。
  8. This book sentimentalizes the suffering of the disabled.这本书以柔懦的笔调渲染了残疾人的痛苦。


adj.(形容词)Inoperative:无效的,不起作用的:例句:a disabled vehicle.不能骑的车
Impaired, as in physical functioning:身体有残疾的:被损害的,如身体功能:例句:a disabled veteran; disabled children.伤残老兵;有残疾的孩子
n.(名词)Physically impaired people considered as a group. Often used withthe : 残疾人:被看作一群身体有残疾的人,常与the 连用: 例句:.I have a terrible responsibility now. I`m . . . representing the disabled. That feeling fills me with pride.(Christopher Nolan)See Usage Note at handicapped .现在我有一个巨大的责任。我…代表所有的残疾人。这使我感到骄傲.(克里斯托夫·诺兰)参见 handicapped