discord是什么意思 discord在线中文翻译



n. 不调和, 不和
vi. 不一致, (声音)刺耳
【医】 音混杂, 音不调和


动词过去式:discorded 过去分词:discorded 现在分词:discording 第三人称单数:discords 


名词 discord:

  1. lack of agreement or harmony同义词:strife
  2. disagreement among those expected to cooperate同义词:dissension
  3. a harsh mixture of sounds同义词:discordance
  4. strife resulting from a lack of agreement同义词:discordance

动词 discord:

  1. be different from one another同义词:disagree, disaccord


  1. Various discords have arisen over this question.人们在这个问题上发生了不少争执。
  2. What has brought discord into the family?什么事使得这个家庭不和?
  3. He's been a source of discord and worry.他成为不和和烦恼的根源。


Lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things.不协调:人群、团体或事物上之间的不和协Tension or strife resulting from a lack of agreement; dissension.不调和:由于不一致而造成了不和、争论;争议A confused or harsh sound or mingling of sounds.噪音:混杂、刺耳的声音,或多种声音的混合Music Inharmonious combination of simultaneously sounded tones; dissonance.【音乐】 不协和:同时发出各种声音的不和谐的混合;不协和v.intr.(不及物动词)dis.cord.ed,dis.cord.ing,dis.cords[d-skôrd., ds.kôrd.] To fail to agree or harmonize; clash.不一致,不协调;冲突
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French descorde 源自 古法语 descorde from Latin discordia 源自 拉丁语 discordia from discors discord- [disagreeing] 源自 discors discord- [不同意] dis- [apart] * see dis- dis- [分开] *参见 dis-cor [heart] * see kerd- cor [心脏] *参见 kerd-
<参考词汇><同义词>discord,strife,contention,dissension,conflict,clash,variance同义词>These nouns are compared as they mean a state of disagreement and disharmony.这些名词相比较是由于它们都表示一种不一致和不协调的状态。 Discord is a lack of harmony often marked by bickering and antipathy: Discord 指缺少和谐,常以争吵和互不相容为特征: 例句:family discord.家庭不和。
Strife usually implies a struggle, often destructive, between rivals or factions: Strife 通常暗示斗争,常指竞争双方或两派间的毁灭性斗争: 例句:a measure intended to end party strife.一项结束党派纷争的措施。
Contention in this sense is largely limited to dispute in the form of heated debate or quarreling: Contention 在这个意义上主要限于争论,表现为激烈的辩论或争吵: 例句:Political discussions often give rise to lively contention.政治讨论经常出现的热烈的争论。
Dissension implies difference of opinion that disrupts unity within a group: Dissension 暗示意见不同致使团体内团结的分裂: 例句:Dissension is rampant among the members of the committee.意见分歧在委员会的成员中蔓延。
Conflict suggests antagonism of ideas or interests that often results in hostility or divisiveness: Conflict 意为观点或兴趣相对抗而经常导致敌对行为或分裂: 例句:conflict between smoking and nonsmoking factions.吸烟派和不吸烟派间的冲突。
Clash implies sharp conflict involving irreconcilable ideas or interests: Clash 暗示由于不可调和的观点或兴趣而导致的尖锐冲突: 例句:had to exercise all her tact to prevent clashes between the two opinionated guests.她必须竭尽她的娴熟的社交手腕来阻止这两位固执己见的客人间的冲突。
Variance usually suggests discrepancy or incompatibility: Variance 通常表示不相符合或不相容: 例句:His actions are often at variance with his principles. 他的行为经常与他的原则不相符合