decade是什么意思 decade在线中文翻译



n. 十年, 十


名词 decade:

  1. a period of 10 years同义词:decennary, decennium
  2. the cardinal number that is the sum of nine and one; the base of the decimal system同义词:ten, 10, X, tenner


  1. I believed that this struggle is going to go on and it might well be decided in the next decade.我相信这一对抗还将会持续下去,并可能在下一个十年中得出结果。
  2. Only very, very rarely does someone so far out of the political swim as Jerry Brown, who last held political office almost a decade ago, manage to win the presidential nomination of a major party.像布朗这样远离政海——他最后一次从政几乎是十年以前的事——而能设法赢得主要政党提名竞选总统,实在是一件绝无仅有之事。
  3. Several decades have elapsed since I graduated from the college.我大学毕业已数十年了。
  4. Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.在过去十年里,物价一直在上涨。


n.(名词)A period of ten years.十年期A group or series of ten.十个一组,十个一系列:十个构成的一组或一系列
来源:Middle English [a group of ten] 中古英语 [十个构成的一组] from Old French 源自 古法语 from Late Latin decas decad- 源自 后期拉丁语 decas decad- from Greek dekas 源自 希腊语 dekas from deka [ten] * see dekô 源自 deka [十] *参见 dekô