vt. 使暴露, 使曝光, 揭穿, 陈列
【医】 暴露, 露置
名词:exposer 动词过去式:exposed 过去分词:exposed 现在分词:exposing 第三人称单数:exposes
disclose, expose, uncover, reveal这些动词都表示“揭露、暴露”之意。
disclose: 侧重指揭露或泄露鲜为人知或保密的事。
expose: 多指揭露丑闻、坏人坏事或各种阴谋。也可指某物暴露在外。
uncover: 主要指移去遮盖物,让东西显露出来。也可指揭露阴谋、秘密等。
reveal: 多指揭露一直隐藏或隐秘的东西,或揭示超乎常人理解能力的真理。
名词 expose:
- the exposure of an impostor or a fraud同义词:unmasking
动词 expose:
- expose or make accessible to some action or influence
- make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret同义词:unwrap, disclose, let on, bring out, reveal, discover, divulge, impart, break, give away, let out
- to show, make visible or apparent同义词:exhibit, display
- remove all or part of one's clothes to show one's body同义词:uncover
- disclose to view as by removing a cover同义词:disclose
- put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position同义词:queer, scupper, endanger, peril
- expose to light, of photographic film
- expose while ridiculing; especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas同义词:debunk
- abandon by leaving out in the open air
- It's very foolish of the commander to expose his men to unnecessary risks.这个指挥官让士兵们冒不必要的危险真是太愚蠢了。
- You shouldn't expose the soldiers to unnecessary risks.你不应该让士兵们冒不必要的危险。
- The reporter was killed because he tried to expose a plot.这名记者因为试图揭露一个阴谋而被杀害。
To subject or allow to be subjected to an action or an influence:使受影响:使受到或允许受到某种行为或影响的支配:例句:exposed themselves to disease; exposed their children to classical music.使他们受到疾病的影响;使他们的孩子们受到古典音乐的影响
To subject (a photographic film, for example) to the action of light.使曝光:使受到(如照相的胶卷)光的作用To make visible:暴露:使…被看见:例句:Cleaning exposed the grain of the wood.See Synonyms at show 清扫使树木的纹理暴露参见 show
To make known (something discreditable).揭发(有损信誉的事)To reveal the guilt or wrongdoing of:揭露:揭露罪恶或错误的行为:例句:expose a criminal.See Synonyms at reveal 揭露罪犯参见 reveal
To deprive of shelter or protection.使暴露:使失去掩蔽或保护To subject to needless risk:使面临:使遭遇不必要的危险:例句:an officer who exposed the troops to enemy crossfire.使军队面临敌人火力交叉的军官
来源:Middle English exposen 中古英语 exposen from Old French exposer 源自 古法语 exposer alteration influenced by poser [to put, place] * see pose 受 poser的影响 [放置,安置] *参见 poseof Latin expônere [to set forth] * see expound 拉丁语 expônere的变化 [提出,阐明] *参见 expound