forging是什么意思 forging在线中文翻译



n. 锻炼, 伪造
【机】 锻造, 锻件


名词 forging:

  1. shaping metal by heating and hammering

动词 forge:

  1. create by hammering同义词:forge, hammer
  2. make a copy of with the intent to deceive同义词:forge, fake, counterfeit
  3. come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort同义词:invent, contrive, devise, excogitate, formulate, forge
  4. move ahead steadily同义词:forge
  5. move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy同义词:forge, spurt, spirt
  6. make something, usually for a specific function同义词:shape, form, work, mold, mould, forge
  7. make out of components (often in an improvising manner)同义词:fashion, forge


  1. He got the money by forging his brother's signature on a cheque.他在一张支票上伪造他哥哥的签字,从而得到了那笔钱。
  2. A great battleship, forging silent and unlighted through the dark night, loom close astern.在漆黑的夜中一轮巨大战舰一声不响地熄灯前进,逼近船尾。
  3. China's woollen textile industry is forging ahead to meet the needs of the country.中国的毛纺工业正迅速发展以适应国家的需要。
  4. French army officer of Jewish descent who was convicted of treason(1894), sentenced to life imprisonment, and ultimately acquitted when the evidence against him was shown to have been forged by anti-Semites.德雷福斯,艾尔弗雷德1859-1935犹太裔法国军官,被以叛国罪判终身监禁,但最后被无罪释放,因为证明他有罪的证据被发现是反犹太分子伪造的