help是什么意思 help在线中文翻译



n. 帮忙, 帮助者, 补救办法, 有益的东西
vt. 帮助, 帮忙, 接济, 治疗, 款待
vi. 有用, 救命, 招待
【计】 帮助, 帮助程序; DOS外部命令: DOS命令的电子文件帮助程序
help sb with sth
help sb down
help sb into
help sb out of
help sb off with
help sb on with
help sb out
help sb over
help sb to
help sb up
so help me
with the help of
be past help
be of help to
be of some help to sb
be of no help to sb
be of much help to sb


动词过去式:helped 过去分词:helped 现在分词:helping 第三人称单数:helps 


aid, assist, help
aid: 正式用词,指帮助他人脱离危险或战胜困难,着重强者对急需帮助的弱者的帮助。
assist: 强调在提供帮助时,以受助者为主,所给的帮助起第二位或从属的作用。
help: 最普通用词,含义广泛。指一般性的或迫切需要的帮助,侧重积极地为他人提供物质、精神或其他方面的帮助。


名词 help:

  1. the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose同义词:aid, assist, assistance
  2. a resource同义词:aid, assistance
  3. a means of serving同义词:avail, service
  4. a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose同义词:assistant, helper, supporter

动词 help:

  1. give help or assistance; be of service同义词:assist, aid
  2. be of use同义词:facilitate
  3. improve the condition of同义词:aid
  4. abstain from doing; always used with a negative同义词:help oneself
  5. contribute to the furtherance of
  6. improve; change for the better
  7. help to some food; help with food or drink同义词:serve
  8. take or use同义词:avail


  1. Help yourself.别客气。
  2. He's been helping himself to my stationery.他未经许可一直用我的文具。
  3. He can't help having big ears.他爱打听别人的事。
  4. There's no help for it.实在没办法了。
  5. Trade helps industry to develop.贸易促进工业发展。
  6. Could you help me up the stairs?你能扶我上楼梯吗?


v.(动词)helped,,helps及物动词)To give assistance to; aid:帮助,援助:给予协助;帮助:例句:I helped her find the book. He helped me into my coat.我帮她找到了那本书。他帮我穿好大衣
To contribute to the furtherance of; promote.促进:对…有帮助;促进To give relief to:救助:给予救助:例句:help the needy.救济穷人
To ease; relieve:缓解;减轻:例句:medication to help your cold.治疗感冒的药品
To change for the better; improve:助长:发生好的变化;改进:例句:A fresh coat of paint will help a scarred old table.涂一层新油漆将大大改观这张斑驳的老桌子
To refrain from; avoid or resist. Used withcan or cannot : 控制;阻止或抵制。与CanCannot 连用: 例句:couldn`t help laughing.忍俊不禁
To wait on, as in a store or restaurant.服务:为…服务,如在商店或餐馆中v.intr.(不及物动词)To be of service; give assistance.帮助;有帮助n.(名词)
The act or an instance of helping.帮助,援助:帮助的行动或实例Aid or assistance.帮助或援助Relief; remedy.补救的办法;治疗药One that helps:助手:例句:You`ve been a great help. A food processor is a help to the serious cook.你是个很得力的帮手。食物加工机对于任务繁重的厨师来说是个有用的帮手
A person employed to help, especially a farm worker or domestic servant.佣人,雇工:被雇佣来帮忙的人,尤指农场工人或家庭仆役Such employees considered as a group. Often used withthe. 全体雇工(佣人):被看成一个整体的这些雇工或佣人。通常和the 连用
<习惯用语>help (oneself) to
To serve or provide oneself with:自用:用…招待自己或提供…给自己:例句:Help yourself to the cookies.请随便吃点点心吧
Informal To take (something) without asking permission:【非正式用语】 偷窃,窃取:没有得到允许而拿取(某物):例句:The thief helped himself to our family silver.小偷窃取了我家的银子
习惯用语>来源:Middle English helpen 中古英语 helpen from Old English helpan 源自 古英语 helpan
<参考词汇><同义词>help,aid,assist,succor同义词>These verbs mean to contribute to the fulfillment of a need, the furtherance of an effort, or the achievement of a purpose or end.这些动词都表示对一种需要的完成、努力的促进或一个目的或目标的取得起一份作用。 Help andaid, the most general, are frequently interchangeable: Helpaid 表示意义最广泛, 常常可以互换: 例句:a medication that helps (or aids ) the digestion; 有助于(或者用 aids消化的药物;
例句:a fine sense of rhythm that helped (or aided ) the student in learning music. Help, however, sometimes conveys a stronger suggestion of effectual action: 有助于(或用 aided )学生学习音乐的良好的节奏感。 但是help 有时所表达的有效行动的意味更为强烈一些:
例句:Nothing will help.一切均无济于事。
例句:I`ll help you move the piano.我将帮助你搬动那架钢琴。
例句:He helped her out of the car.他帮她从轿车里出来。
Assist usually implies making a secondary contribution or acting as a subordinate: Assist 通常表示的是起第二位作用或者以属下的身份起作用: 例句:A team of kitchen apprentices assisted the chef in preparing the banquet.一组厨房学徒协助厨师准备宴会。
Succor refers to going to the relief of one in want, difficulty, or distress: Succor 指对穷人,陷入困境的人或者是遭受痛苦的人给予帮助: 例句:.Mr. Harding thought . . . of the worn-out, aged men he had succored. (Anthony Trollope).See also Synonyms at improve .哈丁先生想到…那些得到过他救济的穷人和老人. (安东尼·特罗洛普)参见同义词 improve
参考词汇>A common use ofhelp is exemplified by the sentence 关于help 的一个很常见的用法, 下面这个句子提供了一个很好的例子: 例句:Don`t change it any more than you can help (that is, .any more than you have to.). 除非万不得已,否则就不要再改变什么了(也就是说,.除非你不得不.)。
Some grammarians condemn this usageon the ground thathelp in this sense means .avoid. and logically requires a negative.But the expression is a well-established idiom.See Usage Note at cannot 有些语法家对这种用法提出了批评意见,理由是help 在这个句子里表示.避免.的意思, 所以从逻辑上讲应用否定形式。但是这种表达已经成为一种被广泛接受的惯用法了参见 cannot