heavy是什么意思 heavy在线中文翻译



a. 重的, 巨大的, 沉重的, 笨重的, 过度的
ad. 沉重地
n. 重物, 严肃角色
【机】 重的, 浓的
make heavy weather of something
be heavy with
deal a heavy blow to


名词:heaviness 名词复数:heavies 形容词比较级:heavier 最高级:heaviest 副词比较级:heavier 最高级:heaviest 


名词 heavy:

  1. an actor who plays villainous roles
  2. a serious (or tragic) role in a play

形容词 heavy:

  1. of comparatively great physical weight or density
  2. unusually great in degree or quantity or number
  3. of the military or industry; using (or being) the heaviest and most powerful armaments or weapons or equipment
  4. marked by great psychological weight; weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness
  5. usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it同义词:fleshy, overweight
  6. (used of soil) compact and fine-grained同义词:clayey, cloggy
  7. darkened by clouds同义词:lowering, sullen, threatening
  8. of great intensity or power or force
  9. (physics, chemistry) being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight
  10. (of an actor or role) being or playing the villain
  11. permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter同义词:dense, impenetrable
  12. of relatively large extent and density
  13. made of fabric having considerable thickness
  14. prodigious同义词:big
  15. full and loud and deep同义词:sonorous
  16. given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors同义词:intemperate, hard
  17. of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought同义词:grave, grievous, weighty
  18. slow and laborious because of weight同义词:lumbering, ponderous
  19. large and powerful; especially designed for heavy loads or rough work
  20. dense or inadequately leavened and hence likely to cause distress in the alimentary canal
  21. sharply inclined
  22. full of; bearing great weight同义词:weighed down
  23. requiring or showing effort同义词:labored, laboured
  24. characterized by toilsome effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort同义词:arduous, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, hard, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsome
  25. lacking lightness or liveliness同义词:leaden
  26. (of sleep) deep and complete同义词:profound, sound, wakeless
  27. in an advanced stage of pregnancy同义词:big, enceinte, expectant, gravid, great, large, with child

副词 heavy:

  1. slowly as if burdened by much weight同义词:heavily


  1. Dont go so heavy on the sauce!沙司不要加得太多!
  2. How heavy is this box?这个箱子有多重?


adj.(形容词)heav.i.er,heav.i.est 缩写 hvy.Having relatively great weight:重的:相对而言拥有较大重量的:例句:a heavy load.重负
Having relatively high density; having a high specific gravity.比重较大的:浓度相对较重的;重力大的
Large, as in number or quantity:大的:在数或量方面大的:例句:a heavy turnout; heavy casualties.大产出;重大伤亡
Large in yield or output:大量的:在产出或产量方面巨大的:例句:heavy rainfall.大雨
Of great intensity:激烈的:例句:heavy activity; heavy fighting.剧烈活动;激烈的战斗
Having great power or force:有力的:例句:a heavy punch.重重一击
Violent; rough:狂暴的;粗暴的:例句:heavy seas.波涛汹涌的海面
Equipped with massive armaments and weapons:装备重武器:用大量武器弹药装备的:例句:a heavy cruiser; heavy infantry.重装备的巡洋舰;荷枪实弹的步兵
Large enough to fire powerful shells:巨型的:大得足以发射威力巨大的炮弹的:例句:heavy guns.大炮
Indulging to a great degree:过量的:放纵达到很大程度的:例句:a heavy drinker.酒瘾极大的人
Involved or participating on a large scale:大规模的:大幅度涉入或参与的:例句:a heavy investor.巨额投资者
Of great import or seriousness; grave:重大的,重要的;显要的:例句:heavy matters of state.国家大事
Having considerable thickness:厚的:有相当厚度的:例句:a heavy coat.厚外衣
Broad or coarse:宽的或粗的:例句:drew the face with heavy lines.用粗线条画脸部
Dense; thick:浓密的;厚的:例句:a heavy fog.重雾
Slow to dissipate; strong:散发慢的;强烈的:例句:.There was a heavy fragrance of flowers and lemon trees.(Mario Puzo).那里传来浓郁的柠檬树和花的香味.(马里奥·普佐)
Too dense or rich to digest easily:难以消化的:太油腻或作料过多而难消化的:例句:a heavy dessert.太腻的甜点心
Insufficiently leavened:未发好的:例句:heavy bread.发得不好的硬面包
Full of clay and readily saturated:泥泞的:充满粘土且已浸透的:例句:heavy soil.泥泞的土地
Weighed down; burdened:下垂的:沉沉下垂的;重负的:例句:trees heavy with plums.果实累累的李树
Emotionally weighed down; despondent:沉重的:感觉沉重的;令人沮丧的:例句:a heavy heart.沉重的心情
Marked by or exhibiting weariness:昏昏欲睡的:显示疲倦的,显得疲倦的:例句:heavy lids.因困倦而下垂的眼皮
Sad or painful:悲痛的,痛苦的:例句:heavy news.令人忧虑的消息
Hard to do or accomplish; arduous:费力的:难办的,难以完成的;艰巨的:例句:heavy going; heavy reading.艰难的行走;费力的阅读
Not easily borne; oppressive:难堪的:难以忍受的;压迫的:例句:heavy taxes.重税
Lacking vitality; deficient in vivacity or grace:沉闷的:缺乏生气的;不活泼或没有魅力的:例句:a heavy gait; heavy humor.滞重的步态;索然无味的幽默
Sharply inclined; steep:坡度很大的;陡峭的:例句:a heavy grade.陡坡
Having a large capacity or designed for rough work:重型的:有巨大的容量或设计用来承担艰巨工作的:例句:a heavy truck.重型卡车
Of, relating to, or involving the large-scale production of basic products, such as steel:载重量大的:基础产品如钢的大批量生产的,与其有关的,涉及这方面的:例句:heavy industry.重工业
Of or relating to a serious dramatic role.庄重的,严肃的:剧中某个严肃角色的或与其有关的Physics Of or relating to an isotope with an atomic mass greater than the average mass of that element.【物理学】 重的:原子质量比该元素的平均原子质量重的同位素的或与之有关的Loud; sonorous:大声的;洪亮的:例句:a heavy sound; heavy breathing.响亮的声音;粗重的呼吸
Linguistics Of, relating to, or being a syllable ending in a long vowel or in a vowel plus two consonants.【语言学】 重音节的:是或有关一个长元音或一个元音加两个辅音字母结尾的Slang 【俚语】 Of great significance or profundity.重要的:很重要的或很有深度的Very popular or important:广受欢迎的,很重要的:例句:a rock star who is really heavy.一位深受欢迎的摇滚歌星
adv.(副词)heav.i.er,heav.i.est Heavily:密集地:例句:The snow is falling heavier tonight than last night.今晚的雪下得比昨晚大
n.(名词)【复数】 heav.ies
A serious or tragic role in a play.庄重的角色,悲剧角色:戏剧中庄重或悲剧性角色An actor playing such a role.演庄重或悲剧性角色的演员Slang A villain in a story or play.【俚语】 恶棍,无赖:故事或戏剧中的恶棍Slang A mobster.【俚语】 匪徒Slang One that is very important or influential:【俚语】 显要人物:重要人物或很有影响力的人物:例句:a media heavy.新闻界重要人物
来源:Middle English hevi 中古英语 hevi from Old English hefig * see kap- 源自 古英语 hefig *参见 kap-
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>heavy,weighty,hefty,massive,ponderous,cumbersome同义词>These adjectives mean having a relatively great weight.这些形容词都表示拥有相当的重量。 Heavy refers to what has great weight ( Heavy 指有很大重量的:( 例句:a heavy boulder;沉重的大圆石;
例句:a heavy load); figuratively it applies to what is burdensome or oppressive to the spirit ( 重负); 它喻指精神压抑的或难于负担的(
例句:heavy responsibilities;重大责任;
例句:heavy losses). 重大损失)
Weighty literally denotes having considerable weight ( Weighty 字面上指重量相当大的( 例句:a weighty package); figuratively it describes what is onerous, serious, or important ( 沉重的包裹); 它喻指艰巨的、严重的或重要的(
例句:the weighty cares of a head of state;国家元首的深切关怀;
例句:a weighty problem;有分量的问题;
例句:a weighty decision). 重要决定)。
Hefty refers principally to physical heaviness or brawniness: Hefty 指物理实体上重的或结实的: 例句:a hefty dictionary;大部头字典;
例句:a tall, hefty wrestler.高大、强健的摔跤手。
Massive describes what is bulky, heavy, solid, and strong: Massive 指大块的,笨重的,坚硬的,魁梧的: 例句:a massive head;大脑袋;
例句:massive marble columns;巨大的大理石柱;
例句:a massive gold chain.牢固的金链条。
Ponderous refers to what has great mass and weightand usually implies unwieldiness: Ponderous 指有很大质量和重量的,通常暗含无法使用之意: 例句:ponderous prehistoric beasts. Figuratively it describes what is complicated, involved, or lacking in grace: 笨重的史前野兽。 它喻指复杂的、纠缠混乱的或缺少优雅的:
例句:a book with a ponderous plot;情节复杂的书;
例句:a ponderous compliment. Somethingcumbersome is difficult to move, handle, or deal with because it is heavy, bulky, or clumsy: 肉麻的吹捧。 Cumbersome 形容因其沉重、巨大或粗笨而难以移动、对付或处理的事物:
例句:cumbersome luggage;沉重的行李;
例句:a cumbersome writing style. 粗笨的手写体