n. 冒险, 危险, 机会
vt. 冒...的危险, 赌运气, 使冒危险
【计】 相关危险; 冒险
【医】 危害
at hazard
动词过去式:hazarded 过去分词:hazarded 现在分词:hazarding 第三人称单数:hazards
danger, risk, hazard, menace, peril, threat这些名词均含有“危险、威胁”之意。
danger: 含义广,普通用词,指能够造成伤害、损害或不利的任何情况。
risk: 指有可能发生的危险,尤指主动进行某种活动或去碰运气而冒的危险。
hazard: 比risk正式,多指偶然发生的或无法控制的危险,常含较严重或有一定风险的意味。
menace: 所指的危险性最严重,表示使用暴力或造成破坏性的可能。
peril: 指迫在眉睫很有可能发生的严重危险。
threat: 普通用词,语气弱于menace,指任何公开侵犯对方的言行,给对方构成危险或威胁。venture, chance, dare, hazard, risk这些动词均含有“敢于冒险”之意。
venture: 指冒风险试一试,或指有礼貌的反抗或反对。
chance: 指碰运气、冒风险试试。
dare: 可与venture换用,但语气较强,着重挑战或违抗。
hazard: 主要指冒险作出某个选择,隐含碰运气意味。
risk: 指不顾个人安危去干某事,侧重主动承担风险。
名词 hazard:
- a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune同义词:jeopardy, peril, risk, endangerment
- an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another同义词:luck, fortune, chance
- an obstacle on a golf course
动词 hazard:
- put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation同义词:guess, venture, pretend
- put at risk同义词:venture, adventure, stake, jeopardize
- take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome同义词:gamble, chance, risk, take chances, adventure, run a risk, take a chance
- Explosions, though infrequent, are an occupational hazard for coal-miners.矿井爆炸虽然不常发生,但却是煤矿工人职业中的危险。
- The car had its hazard warning lights on.这辆汽车亮起了危险信号灯。
- He hazarded all his money in the attempt to save the business.他为挽救这家企业,不惜冒险投入他的全部金钱。
- There are many serious health hazards associated with smoking.许多危害健康的情况都与吸烟有关。
n.(名词)A chance; an accident.机会;偶发事件A chance of being injured or harmed; danger:意外,危险:受伤或受损的可能性;危险:例句:Space travel is full of hazards.太空旅行充满危险
A possible source of danger:可能的危险之源:例句:a fire hazard.一个潜在的火灾源
Games A dice game similar to craps.【游戏】 双骰子游戏:类似于双骰子游戏的一种投骰游戏Sports An obstacle, such as a sand trap, found on a golf course.【体育运动】 障碍地区:如沙障等高尔夫球球道上的障碍物v.tr.(及物动词)haz.ard.ed,haz.ard.ing,haz.ards To expose to danger or harm.See Synonyms at endanger 暴露于危险和伤害之下参见 endangerTo venture (something); dare:冒险;斗胆:例句:hazard a guess.试作一猜
来源:Middle English hasard [dice game] 中古英语 hasard [投骰游戏] from Old French 源自 古法语 possibly from Old Spanish azar 可能源自 古西班牙语 azar possibly from Arabic az-zahr [gaming die] 可能源自 阿拉伯语 az-zahr [赌搏用的骰子]