debut是什么意思 debut在线中文翻译



n. 初次登台, 开张
vt. 初次登台
vi. 初次登台
【经】 开端


动词过去式:debuted 过去分词:debuted 现在分词:debuting 第三人称单数:debuts 


名词 debut:

  1. the act of beginning something new同义词:introduction, first appearance, launching, unveiling, entry
  2. the presentation of a debutante in society

动词 debut:

  1. present for the first time to the public
  2. appear for the first time in public
  3. make one's debut


  1. The young actress made her debut in the new comedy.这位年轻的女演员在新上演的喜剧里首次登台演出。
  2. She made a successful debut.她初次登台获得成功。


debut 也作 dé.but
n.(名词)A first public appearance, as of a performer.首次演出:演员等的首次在公从面前演出The formal presentation of a young woman to society.首次露面:青年妇女在社交界的正式露面The beginning of a course of action:出台:一件事的开端:例句:the debut of a new foreign policy.一个新的外交政策的出台及物动词和不及物动词)de.buted[-byôd.][-byô.ng] de.buts[-byôz.] 【用法疑难】 To present in or make a debut.正式介绍或初次露面
来源:French début 法语 début from débuter [to give the first stroke in a game, begin] 源自 débuter [比赛中首先击球,开始] dé- [from, away] from Old French de- * see de- dé- [从,离开] 源自 古法语 de- *参见 de-but [goal, target] from Old French butte * see butt 3but [球门,目标] 源自 古法语 butte *参见 butt3
Debut is widely used as a verb, both intransitively ( Debut 作为动词广泛使用, 既可用作不及物动词( 例句:Her new series will debut next March on network television) 她的新的连续剧将于明年三月在电视联播网上首次放映),
and transitively ( 又可用作及物动词( 例句:The network will debut her new series next March). 电视联播网将于明年三月首次放映她的新的连续剧)。
These usages are well established in connection with entertainment and the performing artsbut are not entirely acceptable when used of other sorts of introductions,as of products ( 这些用法在与娱乐和表演艺术相关时,已被认可;但被用作其它种类的介绍时没有被完全接受,如对产品的介绍( 例句:The company will debut the new six-cylinder convertible next fall) 这家公司将于明年秋季首次推出新的有六个汽缸的折叠式小汽车),
or publications ( 或对出版物的介绍( 例句:The national edition of the newspaper debuted last summer), 这份报纸的国内版去年夏天首次发行),
probably because of the association of the form with the language of show-business publicity.这也许是因为其形式和娱乐界广告的语言之间有联系的缘故