harmonic是什么意思 harmonic在线中文翻译



a. 和谐的, 音乐般的, 和声的
n. 泛音, 谐波
【电】 谐波




名词 harmonic:

  1. a tone that is a component of a complex sound
  2. any of a series of musical tones whose frequencies are integral multiples of the frequency of a fundamental

形容词 harmonic:

  1. of or relating to harmony as distinct from melody and rhythm- Ralph Hill
  2. of or relating to harmonics
  3. of or relating to the branch of acoustics that studies the composition of musical sounds
  4. relating to vibrations that occur as a result of vibrations in a nearby body同义词:sympathetic
  5. involving or characterized by harmony同义词:consonant, harmonical, harmonized, harmonised, in harmony


  1. A style of jazz characterized by rhythmic and harmonic complexity, improvised solo performances, and a brilliant style of execution.博普一种爵士乐风格,具有节奏与和声混合的特征,即兴独奏表演,是一种音乐演奏技巧上的卓越风格
  2. Not harmonic; discordant.不协调的; 不和谐的
  3. A brief melodic or harmonic unit often constituting the base for a larger phrase or structure.音型一组短而连贯的音符或和弦构成的基本音型,经常为一更大的乐曲或结构构成基础
  4. The harmonic combination of these tones.四度和音音调的和谐组合


adj.(形容词)Music 【音乐】 Of or relating to harmony.和谐的:和声的或与和声有关的Pleasing to the ear:悦耳的:例句:harmonic orchestral effects.悦耳的乐队效果
Characterized by harmony:和声的:以和声为特点:例句:a harmonic liturgical chant.以和声为特点的礼拜堂赞美诗
Of or relating to harmonics.谐音的:谐音的或与谐音有关的Integrated in nature.融和的:自然中一体化的n.Music (名词)【音乐】
A tone in the harmonic series of overtones produced by a fundamental tone.泛音:指由一种基本的声音所产生的一系列和谐的泛音中的声音A tone produced on a stringed instrument by lightly touching an open or stopped vibrating string at a given fraction of its length so that both segments vibrate.Also called overtone ,partial ,partial tone 和音:指通过轻触展开的或停止颤动的弦乐器琴弦上的特定位置,从而使两部分弦同时颤动而发出的声音也作 overtone,partial,partial toneA wave whose frequency is a whole-number multiple of that of another.调波:一种频率是另一种波频率整数倍的谐波harmonics (used with a sing. verb)The theory or study of the physical properties and characteristics of musical sound. harmonics (与单数动词连用)和声学:乐声物理性质的理论或研究
来源:Latin harmonicus 拉丁语 harmonicus from Greek harmonikos 源自 希腊语 harmonikos from harmonia [harmony] * see harmony 源自 harmonia [和声] *参见 harmony