boycott是什么意思 boycott在线中文翻译



n. 联合抵制
vt. 联合抵制
【经】 联合抵制, 联合拒绝购买


名词:boycotter 动词过去式:boycotted 过去分词:boycotted 现在分词:boycotting 第三人称单数:boycotts 


名词 boycott:

  1. a group's refusal to have commercial dealings with some organization in protest against its policies

动词 boycott:

  1. refuse to sponsor; refuse to do business with


boy.cott及物动词)boy.cott.ed,,boy.cotts To act together in abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with as an expression of protest or disfavor or as a means of coercion.See Synonyms at blackball 联合抵制:联合起来拒绝使用、购买或经销以示抗议、不满或作为强制的手段参见 blackballTo abstain from or unite with others in abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with.抵制:拒绝或与其他人联合拒绝使用、购买或经销n.(名词)The act or an instance of boycotting.杯葛:联合抵制的过程或事例
来源:After Charles C. Boycott (832-897), English land agent in Ireland 源自查理斯·C 博伊考特 (832-897年),爱尔兰的英国土地独家代理商
n.(名词)<注释>Charles C. Boycott seems to have been forced by his strong sense of duty into becoming a household word.Boycott was the estate agent of the Earl of Erne in County Mayo, Ireland.The earl was one of the absentee landowners who as a group held most of the land in Ireland.Boycott was chosen in the fall of 880 to be the test case for a new policy advocated by Charles Parnell, an Irish politician who wanted land reform.Any landlord who would not charge lower rents or any tenant who took over the farm of an evicted tenant would be given the complete cold shoulder by Parnell`s supporters.Boycott, a former British soldier, refused to charge lower rents and ejected his tenants.At this point members of Parnell`s Irish Land League stepped in,and Boycott and his family found themselves isolated—without servants, farmhands, service in stores, or mail delivery.Boycott`s name was quickly adopted as the term for this treatment,not just in English but in other languages such as French, Dutch, German, and Russian.查理斯·C·博伊考特看来是因为其强烈的责任感而成为一个家喻户晓的词。博伊考特是爱尔兰麦奥县俄内伯爵的房地产经纪人。俄内是占有爱尔兰大部分土地的不在地主集团中的一员。博伊考特于880年秋季被选为一项新政策的试点,此项政策是由一个企图进行土地改革的爱尔兰政治家──查理斯·帕内尔提出的。那些不愿降低地租的地主或接管被驱逐佃户土地的佃农都被帕内尔的支持者疏远。作为原英军士兵的博伊考特,拒绝收取低地租并且驱逐佃户。此时帕内尔爱尔兰土地联盟成员插手了,博伊考特及其家人发现他们被孤立了──没有仆人,农业工人,得不到商店服务,也没有人送信。博伊考特的名字很快就被用作这种对待方法的专有名词,不仅用于在英语中,而且也用于如法语、荷兰语、德语和俄语的其他语言中注释>