crew是什么意思 crew在线中文翻译



n. 全体人员, 一群人, 全体队员


动词过去式:crewed 过去分词:crewed 现在分词:crewing 第三人称单数:crews 


名词 crew:

  1. the men who man a ship or aircraft
  2. an organized group of workmen同义词:gang, work party
  3. an informal body of friends同义词:crowd, gang, bunch
  4. the team of men manning a racing shell

动词 crew:

  1. serve as a crew member on


  1. The Air Commodore briefed the bomber crew on their dangerous mission.空军准将向轰炸机机组下达执行危险任务的各项指示。
  2. They were a motley crew.这帮人成份混杂。
  3. The crew repelled the attack.船员击退了进攻。
  4. Men are needed to crew the lifeboat.需要有人来做救生艇的船员。
  5. We are a happy crew in our office.我们办公室的一伙人相处得很愉快。
  6. The plane crashed, killing all its passengers and crew.飞机失事了,所有乘客和机组人员都遇难了。


A group of people working together; a gang:一群,一帮:一群共同工作的人;一帮人:例句:a crew of stagehands.一群舞台工作人员
A group of people gathered together temporarily; a crowd.人群:一群临时聚集在一起的人;人群
All personnel operating or serving aboard a ship.全体船员:在船上操作或服务的全体工作人员All of a ship`s personnel except the officers.全体水手:除高级船员外的全体水手All personnel operating or serving aboard an aircraft in flight.全体机务人员:在飞机飞行中操作或服务的全体工作人员
Sports A team of rowers, as of a racing shell.【体育运动】 划船者:一组划船者,如赛艇上的划船者The sport of rowing.划船运动v.intr.(不及物动词)crewed,,crews To serve as a member of a crew:当船员,当机务人员:例句:crewed for my sister on a sloop; a spacecraft that was crewed by a team of eight people.在我姐姐的单桅帆船上充当船员;一艘包括八个飞行人员的飞船
来源:Middle English creue [military reinforcement] 中古英语 creue [加强军事力量] from Old French creue [increase] [from feminine past participle of] creistre [to grow] 源自 古法语 creue [增加] [] 源自creistre的阴性过去分词 [增长] from Latin crôscere * see ker- 2源自 拉丁语 crôscere *参见 ker- 2

crew 2
v.Chiefly British (动词)【多用于英国】 A past tense of crow 2 crow的过去式2