cashier是什么意思 cashier在线中文翻译



n. 出纳员
【经】 司库, 出纳员, 收支员


动词过去式:cashiered 过去分词:cashiered 现在分词:cashiering 第三人称单数:cashiers 


名词 cashier:

  1. an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money同义词:teller, bank clerk
  2. a person responsible for receiving payments for goods and services (as in a shop or restaurant)

动词 cashier:

  1. discard or do away with
  2. discharge with dishonor, as in the army


  1. A cashier ran away with the day's takings.出纳员偷走了当天的进款。
  2. The cashier checked out and bagged my order.收款员计价收款并给我包装了商品
  3. The cashier has done a bunk with the day's takings.出纳员携带该日营业收入逃走了。
  4. The cheques must be signed in front of the cashier at the bank.必须当著银行出纳员的面签这些支票。
  5. The cashier died in harness.出纳员以身殉职。


n.(名词)The officer of a bank or business concern in charge of paying and receiving money.出纳员:银行或企业内负责付款和收款的职员A store employee who handles cash transactions with customers.店员:处理与顾客现金交易的商店雇员
来源:Dutch cassier 荷兰语 cassier or French caissier 或 法语 caissier both from caisse [money box] 都源自 caisse [钱箱] from Old Provenôal caisa 源自 古普罗旺斯语 caisa from Vulgar Latin *capsea 源自 俗拉丁语 *capsea from Latin capsa [case] 源自 拉丁语 capsa [箱子]

cashier 2及物动词)ca.shiered,,ca.shiers To dismiss from a position of command or responsibility, especially for disciplinary reasons.See Synonyms at dismiss 撤职:从一个领导或责任岗位开除,尤指因纪律方面的原因参见 dismiss
来源:Dutch casseren 荷兰语 casseren from Old French casser [to dismiss, annul] * see quash 源自 古法语 casser [开除,取消] *参见 quash