detail是什么意思 detail在线中文翻译



n. 细节, 详情
vt. 详述, 选派
vi. 画详图
【计】 详细数据
【经】 细节; 详述
in detail


名词:detailer 动词过去式:detailed 过去分词:detailed 现在分词:detailing 第三人称单数:details 


名词 detail:

  1. an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole同义词:item, point
  2. a small part that can be considered separately from the whole同义词:particular, item
  3. extended treatment of particulars
  4. a crew of workers selected for a particular task
  5. a temporary military unit同义词:contingent

动词 detail:

  1. provide details for
  2. assign to a specific task


  1. The full details of the agreement haven't been made public.协议的细节尚未公布。
  2. Could you detail all your expenses on this form?请把你的各项开支列在这张表格上,好吗?
  3. He told us the accident in detail.他详细地把事故讲给我们听。


n.Abbr. det.(名词)缩写 det.An individual part or item; a particular.See Synonyms at item 细目,细节:一个单独的部分或条目;细节参见 itemParticulars considered individually and in relation to a whole:细节:独立考虑并与整体信息相关的细节:例句:careful attention to detail.对细节的密切注意
A minor or an inconsequential item or aspect; a minutia:细目,琐碎:微小或不重要的条款或方面;微不足道的事:例句:skipped the details to get to the main point.舍细节,抓重点
A minute or thorough treatment or account:详情:例句:went into detail about his travels.详述其旅行
A discrete part or portion of a work, such as a painting, building, or decorative object, especially when considered in isolation.细部:某项作品(例如绘画、建筑、装饰)的一部分,尤指这些部分被分开来独立考虑的部分A representation of such a part or portion:局部:分开独立零部件的表示:例句:a detail of a Rembrandt portrait illustrating the technique of chiaroscuro.一幅林布兰肖像画的局部显示了明暗对照的绘画技术
A small elaborated element of a work of art, craft, or design.细节:艺术,雕刻或设计作品的微小精细之处Such elements considered together:统一考虑的细节:例句:the intricate detail of a rococo altarpiece.洛可可式圣坛背壁装饰画的复杂细节
The rendering of artistic detail:对艺术细节的解释:例句:the fine detail of the painter`s brushwork.画家绘画的精美细节
The selection of one or more troops for a particular duty, usually a fatigue duty.分遣,选派:为某一特定任务(通常是杂役性劳动)而选派一支或多支部队The personnel so selected.被选派的人员The duty assigned:指定的任务:例句:garbage detail.打扫垃圾的任务及物动词)de.tailed,,de.tails[d-t3l.] To report or relate minutely or in particulars.详述,仔细汇报To name or state explicitly:清晰地说明:例句:detailed the charges against the defendant.详细地陈述对被告的指控
To provide with artistic or decorative detail:给于细部装饰:提供艺术性的或装饰性的细节:例句:detailed the quilt with colorful appliqué.用色彩丰富的缝饰装饰被面
To select and dispatch for a particular duty.选派:为特定任务选定,派遣
<习惯用语>in detail
With attention to particulars; thoroughly or meticulously:精细地,明细地:注意细节地;彻底地,吹毛求疵地:例句:explained her proposal in detail.详细解释她的方案
习惯用语>来源:French détail 法语 détail from Old French detail [a piece cut off] 源自 古法语 detail [切除的部分] from detaillir [to cut up] 源自 detaillir [切碎] de- [de-] de- [前缀,表.否定,相反.] tailler [to cut] * see tailor tailler [切] *参见 tailor