decimal是什么意思 decimal在线中文翻译



a. 十进位的, 小数的
n. 十进制, 小数
【计】 十进制, 小数点
【经】 小数的, 十进位的




名词 decimal:

  1. a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10同义词:decimal fraction
  2. a number in the decimal system

形容词 decimal:

  1. numbered or proceeding by tens; based on ten同义词:denary
  2. divided by tens or hundreds


  1. The first twofigures after the decimal point indicate tenths and hundredthsrespectively.小数点後的头两位数分别表示十分位和百分位。
  2. Britain converted to a decimal currency system in 1971.英国於1971年改行十进制货币体系。
  3. The recurring decimal 3.999 ... is also described as 3.9 recurring.循环小数`3.999 ... '亦作`3.9循环'.
  4. A binary-coded decimal code for representing decimal numbers in which each decimal digit is represented by seven binary digits which are coefficients of8,6,4,2,0,1,0, respectively.用于表示十进制数的一种二进制编码的十进制码,其中每位十进制数用七位二进制数来表示,它们分别是8,6, 4,2, 0,1和0的系数。五-二码表如下:
  5. Most countries have a decimal currency.大多数国家使用十进制货币。
  6. The base of a system of numbers, such as2 in the binary system and10 in the decimal system.基数数字系统的基数,如2是二进制的基数,10是十进制的基数


n.Mathematics (名词)【数学】 A linear array of integers that represents a fraction, every decimal place indicating a multiple of a negative power of 0. For example, the decimal 0. = !/0, 0.2 = !"/00, 0.003 = #/000.Also called decimal fraction 小数:表示分数的整数的线性排列,每一个小数点后的位置表示0的负次幂。例如,小数0.== !/0,0.2== !"/00,0.003== #/000也作 decimal fractionA number written using the base 0.十进制的数:以0为底的数字adj.(形容词)Expressed or expressible as a decimal.小数的:用小数表示的或能用小数表示的
Based on 0.以十为底的Numbered or ordered by groups of 0.十进位的:以十个一组计数的或以十个一组排列的
来源:Medieval Latin decim3lis [of tenths or tithes] 中世纪拉丁语 decim3lis [十分之一的] from Latin decima [a tenth part or tithe] 源自 拉丁语 decima [第十部分] from decem [ten] * see dekô 源自 decem [十] *参见 dekô