n. 一阵风, * , 枯萎病
vt. 炸, 使枯萎
vi. 炸, 猛攻, 猛烈抨击, 枯萎
【化】 鼓风
【医】 胚细胞, 未成熟细胞, 分裂球丝(分裂球间的丝状纺锤体), 冲击波, 气浪
名词:blaster 动词过去式:blasted 过去分词:blasted 现在分词:blasting 第三人称单数:blasts
名词 blast:
- a very long fly ball
- a sudden very loud noise同义词:bang, clap, eruption, bam
- a strong current of air同义词:gust, blow
- an explosion (as of dynamite)
- a highly pleasurable or exciting experience同义词:good time
- intense adverse criticism同义词:fire, attack, flak, flack
动词 blast:
- make a strident sound同义词:blare
- hit hard同义词:smash, nail, boom
- use explosives on同义词:shell
- The bomb blast killed several harmless passers-by.炸弹爆炸使几个无辜行人受伤。
- A trumpeter sent out a warning blast.号兵吹出告警的号声。
- Rock music blasted full from the parlor.摇滚乐声震屋宇,从客厅传来。
- Frost blasted the blossoms.霜使花凋谢了。
A very strong gust of wind or air.强风:一阵突然的强风或气流The effect of such a gust.风力:这阵强风或气流引起的效果A forcible stream of air, gas, or steam from an opening, especially one in a blast furnace to aid combustion.吹风,送风:从出口,尤其是从助燃鼓风炉的出口出来的空气,其他气体或蒸汽气流
A sudden loud sound, especially one produced by a stream of forced air:巨响:一声巨响,尤指由一股受挤压的空气发出的响声:例句:a piercing blast from the steam whistle.汽笛发出尖锐的响声
The act of producing such a sound:发出巨响:发出此声音的动作:例句:gave a blast on his trumpet.他让喇叭发出尖响
A violent explosion, as of dynamite or a bomb.爆炸:爆炸,如炸药或炸弹的爆炸气浪或冲击波The violent effect of such an explosion, consisting of a wave of increased atmospheric pressure followed immediately by a wave of decreased pressure.震动:爆炸引起的强烈效果,包括一股被升高的气压,紧接一股低气压An explosive charge.爆炸的炸药量
Botany Any of several plant diseases of diverse causes, resulting in sudden death of buds, flowers, foliage, or young fruits.
【植物学】 枯萎病:一种由不同原因引起的植物疾病,会导致芽、花、叶和未成熟果实的突然死亡A destructive or damaging influence.毁灭:毁坏性或破坏性影响A powerful hit, blow, or shot.攻击:有力的一打、一击或一射A violent verbal assault or outburst:攻诘:猛烈的口头攻击或情感爆发:例句:The candidate leveled a blast at her opponent.候选人向她的对手发出口头攻击
Slang A highly exciting or pleasurable experience or event, such as a big party.
【俚语】 喧嚣的聚会,狂欢会:令人极兴奋或愉快的经历、事件或热闹聚会v.(动词)
blasts及物动词)To knock down or shatter by or as if by explosion; smash.击毁:通过爆炸或好象经过爆炸一样击落或击毁;摧毁To play or sound loudly:尖响:发出或制造尖响的声音:例句:The referees blasted their whistles.裁判高声吹哨
To hit with great force:用力撞击:例句:The batter blasted the ball to right field.击球手挥出一个右外野球
To kill or destroy by hitting or shooting.摧毁:撞击或射击至死或毁灭To have a harmful or destructive effect on.损坏:对…产生伤害或破坏结果To cause to shrivel, wither, or mature imperfectly by or as if by blast or blight:枯萎:使枯萎,萎缩或发育不良,由枯萎病或就象由枯萎病所致:例句:crops that were blasted by frost.被霜冻坏的庄稼
To make or open by or as if by explosion:炸开:用或似乎用炸药炸开:例句:blast a tunnel through the mountains.在山中炸开一条隧道
To criticize or attack vigorously.猛烈攻击:严厉批评或猛烈攻击v.intr.(不及物动词)To use or detonate explosives.爆炸:使用炸药或用炸药炸开To emit a loud, intense sound; blare:吼叫:发出高声尖响;吼叫:例句:speakers blasting at full volume.演讲者扯着喉咙说话
To wither or shrivel or mature imperfectly.枯萎:枯萎,萎缩或发育不良To criticize or attack with vigor.攻击:严厉批评或猛烈攻击To shoot.发射
Electronics To distort sound recording or transmission by overloading a microphone or loudspeaker.
【电子学】 声音失真:由于麦克风或扬声器负载过重而使得声音记录或传送失真
blast offTo take off, as a rocket.发射:发射,如火箭的发射常用词组><习惯用语>
full blastAt full speed, volume, or capacity:最大限度:以全速,最大音量或最大容量:例句:turned the radio up full blast; played the stereo at full blast.把收音机拧到最大音量;把立体音响开到最大音量
习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English
blôst * see bhlô- 源自 古英语
blôst *参见 bhlô-
wreck同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to have a pernicious, destructive, or ruinous effect on something.: 这些动词共有的中心含义为.对某物有害的,破坏性的或毁坏性的作用.: 例句:prospects for peace blasted;和平的前景破灭了;
例句:blighted hopes;破灭的希望;
例句:dashed ambitions;落空的抱负;
例句:plans that were nipped in the bud;流产的计划;
例句:a wrecked life. 被毁的生活。