build是什么意思 build在线中文翻译



vt. 建立, 建筑
vi. 建立, 建筑
n. 构造, 体格


动词过去式:built 过去分词:built 现在分词:building 第三人称单数:builds 


build, construct, found, erect, establish, set up
build: 普通用词,含义广泛,可指一切具体或抽象的建造或建立。
construct: 较正式用词,强调根据一定计划进行的规模较大,结构较复杂,要求较高技术的建造。
found: 侧重打下基础或创办,具体或抽象事物均可用。
erect: 侧重指对高而垂直物的建造。使用不如build广泛。
establish: 着重稳固地建成,可具体指国家、政府、学校或商店等的建立,也可指信仰、信用、名誉、法律、制度、规则等的建立。
set up: 作“建立”用时,侧重于“开始”。可指具体或抽象的建立。


名词 build:

  1. constitution of the human body同义词:physique, body-build, habitus
  2. alternative names for the body of a human being同义词:human body, physical body, material body, soma, figure, physique, anatomy, shape, bod, chassis, frame, form, flesh

动词 build:

  1. make by combining materials and parts同义词:construct, make
  2. form or accumulate steadily同义词:build up, work up, progress
  3. build or establish something abstract同义词:establish
  4. improve the cleansing action of
  5. order, supervise, or finance the construction of
  6. give form to, according to a plan
  7. be engaged in building
  8. found or ground
  9. bolster or strengthen同义词:build up, work up, ramp up
  10. develop and grow


  1. A consortium of construction companies will build the power-station.由建筑公司组成的集团将建造该发电站。
  2. We are of the same build.我们的身材一样。
  3. That house is built of bricks.那座房子是砖造的。


v.(动词)built[blt],builds及物动词)To form by combining materials or parts; construct.建造,构筑:通过组合材料或部分而形成;建造To order, finance, or supervise the construction of:监督:命令、资助或监督…的建设:例句:The administration built several new housing projects.行政部门资助了好几幢新楼的建筑项目
To develop or give form to according to a plan or process; create:建立,创立:根据计测或进程来发展或构造;创造:例句:build a nation; built a successful business out of their corner grocery store.建立一个国家;从他们街道拐角的杂货店创办了一家成功的公司
To increase or strengthen by adding gradually to:增加,加强:逐步增加,逐步加强:例句:money building interest in a savings account; build support for a political candidate.储蓄中逐渐增多的利息;加强一个政党候选人的支持
To establish a basis for; found or ground:为…建立基础;奠定基础:例句:build an argument on fact.以事实为依据建立论点
v.intr.(不及物动词)To make something by combining materials or parts.建筑,构成:通过组合材料或部分来制造某物To engage in the construction or design of buildings:建造,营造:从事楼房的建筑或设计:例句:.Each of the three architects built in a different style.(Dwight Macdonald).这三位建筑师的建筑物风格各异.(德怀特·麦克唐纳)
To develop in magnitude or extent:扩大,扩展:例句:clouds building on the horizon.地平线上逐渐增多的云
To progress toward a maximum, as of intensity:发展,达到:向最大或最强发展:例句:suspense building from the opening scene to the climax.从序幕发展高潮的悬疑
n.(名词)The physical makeup of a person or thing:体格,构造:人或物的物质组成:例句:an athletic build.See Synonyms at physique 运动员的体格参见 physique
<常用词组>build in 或
build into
To construct or include as an integral part of:建造,建立:作为一个整体来建设或包括在内:例句:a wall with shelving that was built in; build stability into the economy.建造有架子的墙;建立经济的稳定性
build on 或
build upon
To use as a basis or foundation:依靠,指望:以…为基础:例句:We must build on our recent success.我们必须依靠现有的成功
build up
To develop or increase in stages or by degrees:扩大,集结,支持:逐步或分阶段的发展或增加:例句:built up the business; building up my endurance for the marathon.扩大企业;为跑马拉松而增强我的耐力
To accumulate or collect:积累或收集:例句:sediment building up on the ocean floor.海底积累的沉积物
To bolster:支持,增加,树立:例句:build up the product with a massive ad campaign; built up my hopes after the interview.通过大量的广告活动来树立这种产品;在面试后增加我的希望
To fill up (an area) with buildings.在(一个地区)盖满楼房常用词组>来源:Middle English bilden 中古英语 bilden from Old English byldan * see bheu…- 源自 古英语 byldan *参见 bheu…-